(21) Never cared

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"Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know"

- Jk -

When Jeongguk was in elementary school he was taught about the different seasons. Summer, Winter, Spring, Autumn- the main four, along with regional variations.

He remembered the chart displaying the months for each season.

Summer started in June.

He already knew that.

He could feel the heat in his bones.

His hands felt clammy, the back of his neck felt damp, and his body was running hot.

Well, one could suppose that is what happened when you sat next to the sun.

The hyper energy ball of a human was beside him and Jeongguk was melting into a puddle.

He wished he could explain. Explain what was happening to him. But he himself could not comprehend it, could not understand why his mind went haywire, why his heartbeat got erratic, why sky sprung electricity jolted through his body, why his mouth immediately turned into a parched desert and why it happened everytime he was in the vicinity of this freshly dyed brown haired boy.

This hyung would be the death of him someday, Jeongguk was sure of it.

The hyung in question though, was painfully oblivious to the maknae's internal conflict.

The seven of them sat down in a semicircle for the filming of their festa, and the maknae was having the hardest time of his life yet.

Being next to Taehyung had become a source of a jitters lately. Taehyung was his usual bubbly extroverted self, and Jeongguk beside him was entirely full of nervous energy.

Now the reason for it, even Jeongguk did not quite understand.

It was just his Taehyungie hyung.

His safe place.

Then why the fuck was he out here giving him mild heart attacks?

Mid-conversation with the others, Taehyung got up and started dancing in his seat and our precious maknae could not for the life of him, look at the elder, because he knew once he did, he wouldn't be able to stop.

He laced his fingers together on his lap, picking at the cuticles, his knee bouncing  in anticipation.

Taehyung at some point turned to look at him and Jeongguk stared at him like a deer caught in headlights.

He could see the small pink tongue of the elder running over his bottom lip and the butterflies in Jeongguk's stomach turned into a whole goddamn zoo.

He gulped and looked away, desperately tried not to make any eye contact with the little devil incarnate tempting him with his bright golden skin and perfectly sculpted face.

Oh but it felt like heaven to flirt with hell. This was new, uncharted territory, and he had no idea how to navigate.

Jeongguk darted his eyes towards the elder and found Taehyung already looking at him.

Taehyung smirked.

And Jeongguk lost his sanity.

His heart was thundering within his ribs like a caged beast.

I need to calm down.

Jeongguk closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

Name something you can hear- Taehyungie hyung's voice.

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