↠past (Junkyu centric)

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Couple: Bang Yedam and Junkyu.

Okay so this is kind of about YG silver boys and Junkyu struggling with the memories. Basically him having a hard time. The story isn't a Kyudam one but they are a couple in the story. But the story line focuses on Junkyu.

italics are flashbacks


Junkyu sat down leaning against the wall after practice. He was tired, drained actually. He felt like he was back to post mix-nine days. He wasn't improving and was constantly being criticized.




In reality it was just his anemia acting up. He constantly felt like fainting. The rest of the members went out to play some basketball. Junkyu being the introvert the was, always declined. So it wasn't surprising when he stayed back.

Junkyu was sitting there with sweat dripping from his body. He practiced for an hour extra and his limbs felt like they were about to break off. He felt numb. He knew becoming an idol was never going to be easy. But he always had support around him.

He stared at the practice room, suddenly he saw a smaller version of him running around,

"Junkyu hyung give me my guitar back!" shouted Yedam running behind him.

"Give me my jelly back!" said Junkyu still giggling.

"Hyung I'm sorry I ate it. I'll get you 20 more later! Give me my guitar back now," said Yedam. Junkyu felt bad for the other and stopped running. But he held the guitar above his head. Yedam who was obviously shorter than him was struggling jumping and trying to get his guitar.

Right then a taller male snatched the guitar from Junkyu and gave it to Yedam.

"Thank you Byunggon-ie hyung," said Yedam while sticking his tongue out at Junkyu.

"Stop torturing the poor boy jun," said Noa and threw his hands over Junkyu's shoulder.

"He ate my jelly!" said Junkyu annoyed Doyoung walked in with Hyunsuk with a convenience store bag in his hands. Hyunsuk rummaged the bag and handed Junkyu a packet of jellys that made him jump and hug the two.

"Thank you Hyunsukie hyung and Doyoung-ie," he said with a smile on his face that the other two returned.

Junkyu felt tears roll down his face, he missed the 11 of them together.

Byunggon, Seunghun, Woong, Noa, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Doyoung, Midam, Raesung, Yedam and him. The silver boys. His childhood.

He felt his chest tighten but was too lost in his memories to care,

"Junkyu! Are you okay?" Woong shouted as he rushed to Junkyu who was crying.

The rest of the boys who heard Woong rushed to the boy too. Everyone was perplexed seeing the boy cry so suddenly. "Junkyu?" Raesung called out in a soft voice. The sobbing boy looked up.

"Oh you poor thing," said Hyunsuk as he hugged Junkyu. They all knew Junkyu was having a hard time. "What's wrong bub?" asked Midam.

"They won't stop teasing me and they keep trying new stuff," said Junkyu in between his sobs.

They all knew he was talking about the group of senior trainees from other companies in their school. The 6 boys were known to bully other students who were trainees. Their newest target seemed to be Junkyu. And Junkyu never fought back. Making it easier for them to pick on him.

~Allure-treasure BXB oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora