comforting | sixteen

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Simon sat slumped at the back of the class, hunched over his chair. He placed his phone above his legs, under the table.

He was typing a long message to Talia's dad explaining the situation that had taken place 15 minutes previous.

The message simply read:

Hey Mike, today at school Megan came up and slapped Tee across the face, no reasoning whatsoever behind it. Her cheek was red with a visible hand print on her cheek. I know she probably doesn't agree that I should tell you but she admitted its been happening since year 7. She seems really sad and I can't talk to her in this lesson. :)

He hit the send button before sighing. Reading his message once more, he turned his phone off.


15 minutes went by, Simon taking notes and making his work look presentable.

A knock was heard at the door, the receptionist smiled before stepping into the classroom.

"Sorry to interrupt sir but do you have Simon Minter or Natalia Haddock?" She spoke, her eyes scanning across the room. Simon piped up, raising his hand to make himself visible.

"Simon if you could bring your belongings that would be great." He placed his things away, confused on where he was going.

He followed the receptionist through the hallways, walking upstairs to the geography corridor.

Simon stood lent against the wall, his bag on the floor. He waited, watching the teacher go inside, asking for Talia.


Walking back to reception, the pair shared confused glances. Shrugging his shoulders, Simon wiped the small pile of sweat from his nose. Talia smiled before fixing her hair, tucking a soft strand behind her ear.

Walking threw yet another door, Talias dad both stood before the kids.

Even more confused the two teenagers were let off, free to go home.

Following Mike out the door, the cold rain hitting the skin of the clothed pair. Climbing into the back of the car they sat in a comfortable silence.


Pulling into the local tescos, Mike rummaged threw his wallet. Pulling out a tenner, he handed it to the boy.

"Grab some snacks or something." He looked over his shoulder at the pair.

Stepping out the car, Mike called Simon back over before whispering. "Cheer her up kid, you're the only one that puts that smile on her face."

Simon simply nodded before jogging back over to a clueless talia. Holding our his hand, talia gladly excepted before they started walking.

"What was he on about?" Talia questioned to the taller, nosy about what her boyfriend had been told.

"Just about cheering you up and that it's my chance to do so." Simon smiled, lightly tickling her sides as she squirmed.



Only a few more chapters to go

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