Chapter 27

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Taehyung left his hotel, his muscles tense and his head throbbing with the beginning of a headache. It had been a long flight, and the conversation with Yoongi hadn't exactly been relaxing either. He barely waited for his bodyguards to get in the back of his car before slamming on the gas, the tires screeching.

By the time he parked the car and headed toward Jimin's penthouse, Taehyung was in such a foul mood even his bodyguards kept a careful distance behind him.

"Wait here," he ordered before using his key card and stepping into the private lift.

At last, the doors slid open and he stepped out into the empty living room.

A delicious smell was coming from the kitchen. Taehyung headed there, his footsteps muffled by the plush carpet.

He leaned against the kitchen doorway, feeling the tension in his muscles dissipate.

Jimin was singing softly as he stood by the counter, stirring something in the pan. He was wearing a long sleeved, loose white t-shirt, floral printed pajama pants with socks, his dark golden curls pulled back in a ponytail. A set of large purple headphones was perched on his curly head, Jimin's hips swaying a little as he hummed some song. He looked very young, very endearing, and very ridiculous—not exactly a combination Taehyung normally found attractive.

He couldn't look away.

Silently, he walked over, pushed the curls aside and pressed his lips to Jimin's nape.

Jimin stiffened for a moment before relaxing and leaning back against Taehyung's chest. "You're early," he said, taking his headphones off. He tried to turn around, but Taehyung didn't let him, his hands gripping Jimin's hips and holding him in place while he sucked bruises into his flawless skin, inhaling his sweet scent greedily and feeling his headache recede.

"How—how did it go?" Jimin said. "The meeting, I mean?"

"As well as expected," Taehyung replied, trailing his lips up Jimin's neck, to his cheek. "Jacques is satisfied with the new partner I introduced him to."

Jimin leaned into the touch, his plump lips parting. He seemed to be having trouble keeping his eyes open. "Did you make it clear that Park Industries won't be making deals with the likes of him any longer?"

"Yes." Taehyung said before tugging the collar of Jimin's t-shirt aside and sucking another mark into the creamy skin of his shoulder.

Jimin squirmed. "Stop that," he said hoarsely with a smile. "I have to finish making dinner and I can't do it when you're all over me. Go sit over there." He pushed Taehyung toward the chair.

Taehyung did sit down, albeit reluctantly. Leaning back in his chair, he glanced at the pan and raised an incredulous brow. "Is that Japchae?"

A pink flush coloured Jimin's cheeks. He shrugged nonchalantly, returning to the pan of glass noodles and colourful vegetables. "I had a craving and well I just happened to have the ingredients. I was bored today and decided to try my hand at it." He shrugged again.

He was a terrible liar.

Taehyung's lips twitched—Japchae is Taehyung's favourite.

Jimin shot him a sideway look. "Shut up," he said, ducking his head as an embarrassed smile curled his lips. He must have been aware how pathetically lovesick his behaviour was.

Taehyung didn't comment on it. Just as he never commented on how Jimin looked at him, curled into him, and gave him his lips to kiss at every opportunity.

A better man would have stopped and told Jimin to turn his affections elsewhere, to someone who was worthy of them. But even the thought of some other man touching Jimin's skin, looking at him with desire, made Taehyung's hands clench into fists.

He wasn't a better man. Because no matter how pathetically obvious the guy's feelings were, Taehyung found himself wanting more more more, ruthlessly greedy, taking every bit of Jimin's affections and unwilling to give it up.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jimin said, setting a delicious smelling plate of food in front of Taehyung and turning away to fill his own plate.

Taehyung reached out, took his wrist and pulled him into his lap.

Jimin giggled. "No, let's eat first," he said. Contrary to his words, his arms looped around Taehyung's neck. "You know we won't get any eating done if we start. I'm hungry. You must be hungry too."

He is. He has been hungry for Jimin—and not just sexually.

"Jacques was the last."

It took Jimin a few moments to understand what it meant. "Oh," he said, his face falling.

Fucking hell. Does this guy not understand how dangerous it is to wear one's heart on their sleeve?

"Yes," Taehyung said. "Everything has been taken care off. There will be no more threats."

Jimin curled his hands in his own lap. "So...Are you, like, leaving?" his expression open and vulnerable.

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