Chapter 15

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As he rubbed his face against the wide chest and rutted furiously against Taehyung's thigh, Jimin wondered how it was possible to feel this good with a man who was the textbook definition of 'Mr Wrong.'

It was kind of freaky how sexually compatible he and Taehyung were. It wasn't like Jimin's previous sexual experiences were bad—well far from it—but this was something else. This was the sort of attraction that made him feel almost high, ecstatic when Taehyung touched him, and touch-starved when he didn't feel Taehyung on his skin, even for a day. It was heady. It was scary. It was scary how well Taehyung could read his body and play it like an instrument: he was bossy when Jimin wanted to be owned and ordered around, he had gentlest touch when Jimin was emotional. He always obliged when Jimin wanted cuddles and snuggles, and he was deliciously cruel and scary when Jimin was in the mood to pretend he didn't want it (with him, Jimin always wanted it. He will not say it aloud). It was almost as if, in bed, Jimin had Taehyung wrapped around his tiny pinkie.

The scariest part was, it went both ways. Jimin was just as attuned to Taehyung. When Taehyung was in a dark mood, Jimin found himself turning pliant and extremely submissive, letting Taehyung mark him and take out his frustration on him—and getting off on it. He got off on pleasing Taehyung, which was...yeah, probably pretty messed up.

The most messed up part, though, was that he couldn't even claim that he was in any way being taken advantage of or lied to. Taehyung never pretended to be anything he wasn't. Jimin didn't suddenly start thinking Taehyung was just a misunderstood good man. Taehyung wasn't a good man; Jimin was perfectly aware of it, yet it didn't change how insanely attracted to him he was.

"You're evil," he breathed into Taehyung's chest, eyes half closed, as he came. He continued to suck on his nipple—embarrassed after realising what he was doing, Jimin groaned, "Argh, how did you turn me into such a nympho?"

He felt more than heard Taehyung's laugh as he continued tracing Jimin's pretty curves. "It's not my fault that you're a kinky little shit, kitten."

"I told you to stop using these endearments" Jimin muttered, not bothering to deny the kinky little shit part. Taehyung's tendency to use endearments he didn't mean wasn't endearing at all.

Taehyung tugged at his hair, without bothering to reply.

"I'm starting to think you have a thing for my hair," Jimin said.

"Whatever gave you that idea, pretty?" Taehyung said, running his hand through his curls.

They fell into a silence that shouldn't have been so damn comfortable.



"Have you ever killed anyone?" Jimin looked up at him, trailing his fingers down Taehyung's arm.

"I have" came the reply.

A shiver ran up Jimin's spine. His answer didn't surprise him, per se—he would have been more surprised if the reply was negative—but the calmness with which Taehyung spoke about it was fucking scary.

"Do you mean personally or by giving an order?" Jimin asked.

"There's a difference?" Taehyung said in a very dry voice. "A kill is a kill, no matter whose hands do the actual deed. But to answer your question: both."

Jimin traced his fingers lower, to Taehyung's hand. A hand that killed someone. A hand that could reduce him to a quivering, mindless creature with the slightest touch.

"Is it hard?" Jimin said. "To end someone's life?"

"Sometimes," Taehyung said after a moment. "But most people I killed were scums so I didn't lose sleep over it and I sometimes work with the NIS, so the kills were perfectly legal." His tone almost mocking at the word 'legal'.

NIS? Really? How powerful is this guy?

"Is that what you meant by 'powerful people' that day?"

"Among other things, yes", Taehyung replied before murmuring, "Curiositykilledthecat"

"What? Didn't get you"

"Curiosity killed the cat", Taehyung repeated again, eyes glinting with amusement. "A very wise proverb, don't you think, kitten?"

"Are you threatening me?" Jimin said with a grin.

Taehyung's eyes lingered on his smiling mouth for a second, he returned the smile, "No, not at the moment."

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