Chapter 6

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Taehyung was in a terrible mood. His head was throbbing. He just lost a great opportunity to increase his profits in the European market because he hadn't been there in person to seal the deal.

Argh. Couldn't they do it without me spoon feeding them one time?

Sighing, he went to his room, swallowed some medicine for his headache. Taehyung stiffened at a noise in the adjoining room.

Of course – Park Jimin. He'd almost forgotten about his order to move him there.

Taehyung unlocked the door connecting the rooms and entered.

Park Jimin was sitting on the bed, rubbing his stomach. He looked up at Taehyung with widening eyes. Otherwise, he didn't even flinch. Viper was right about one thing: The guy wasn't prone to useless hysterics.

He really is a different species.

"Thank you", Jimin spoke first, softly. "For the food. They fed me before bringing me here." He continued sinking his teeth into his lip.

"Why am I here?" hesitation flickered in his eyes. "Your people won't tell me anything."

"What makes you think I will?" Taehyung walked over, slightly amused.

Jimin looked up at him almost shyly, his thick eyelashes framing his deep chocolate brown eyes. Taehyung's fingers automatically went to his curls.

"I'd like to know. Please." He said, chewing on his lip.

So polite. Too polite.

Taehyung's lips thinned. His grip hardened in those golden curls. "Do I look like a fool to you?"

"I-I don't understand," Jimin whispered.

"Do you really think a few soft-spoken words are enough to manipulate me, Park Jimin?" Taehyung glared at those wobbling lips.

Jimin went cold. Get a grip. You can't let this go.

He dropped his eyes, "I'm not very good at it, am I?"

"No." Taehyung removed his hand from his curls.

He is too innocent and pretty to be real.

Jimin brought his knees to his chest and hugged himself.

"Are you going to punish me for trying to manipulate you?" His voice cracked a little.

Taehyung stared at him, considering his option. His usual go-to would be to order his men to rough him up, but the idea didn't sit well in his stomach. Taehyung will admit he wasn't a good man. He's done things that had reserved him a place in hell....well, if afterlife really exists. But he was not a monster. Being pushed into this corrupt world at a very young age, he trained himself. Every fibre in his body knew the rules of this world. He knew how to survive. But he never touched the innocent. Also, keeping in mind Viper's reaction—No, he is not going to hand him over to his boys. He didn't understand though why he was trying to protect? His captive. Park Jimin must be punished. If I don't punish him, he will start getting ideas. I have been too soft with him as it was.

"You will kneel in that corner, clasp your hands behind your back and remain that way until the morning. No breaks, no bathroom, no sleep."

Jimin looked like he wanted to protest, but he knew better. So he kept his mouth shut, silently goes over to the corner and kneels on the floor, facing the wall.

As far as punishments went, it was far from the worst.

"It goes without saying that this room is under constant video surveillance. You will not like your punishment if you choose to defy me. Is that understood?" Taehyung stared at the mop of curly hair, his fingers itched to touch again.

"Yes, sir," Jimin murmured.


Taehyung left the room, trying to ignore how the little honorific pleased something in him.


As far as punishments went, it was far from the worst.

The first hour was okay. Jimin's stomach was full, the room was warm, and he even had something like a plan.

He was equal parts relieved and surprised by the punishment Taehyung had chosen for him. He had expected worse. He had been a little apprehensive when he devised the plan to get caught in the act, but it all went seamlessly. Taehyung had bought it. Now that the guy was assured of his own superiority and cleverness, assured that he could see right through Jimin, it would be easier to soften him up and lull him into a false sense of security. Jimin felt a pang of shame before reminding himself not to be silly. Men like him deserved nothing less. Besides, it wasn't like he was planning to kill the guy or something. He just wanted to save himself. He just wanted to go home. That was all.

The second hour was harder, and the third hour was worse. The fourth hour made it clear why Taehyung had chosen such a seemingly soft punishment. His knees were sore from kneeling on the floor for so long and his arms and shoulders were starting to ache. His entire body ached from the stiff position he was forced to maintain, his feet were asleep, and his neck and back hurt pretty badly.

Jimin almost gave up by the end of the fifth hour. His eyelids kept closing, his bladder was full, he was exhausted, his bruised ribs still aching from the beating he had received a few days ago, and he wanted to sleep so much it was a physical effort not to.

The clock on the wall seemed to be mocking him by marking time ever so slowly. Minutes dragged. Jimin kept himself awake only by imagining creative ways to torture and kill Taehyung. The asshole was probably sleeping like a baby right now in a soft, comfy bed, not a care in the world.

Jimin can't feel his limbs anymore.

By six in the morning, he became vaguely aware that his face was wet from tears running down his cheeks. Everything hurt, and he just wanted to curl into himself and finally pass out.

Suddenly a pair of strong hand pulled Jimin up by his arms. His leg's gave out, his feet still asleep and his entire body hurting. He cried, hiding his wet face in the man's broad shoulder.

"Shh," a gentle, baritone voice whispered in his right ear. Long, slender fingers were stroking his hair.

"You did well."

A part of Jimin's dizzy, sleep-deprived brain screamed at him to stop clinging like a baby to the asshole who'd done this to him, but it felt very distant and unimportant. This felt good—the hands feel good—and he was so, so tired.

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