Chapter 20

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"You little bitch—" Korain stumbled backwards as Jimin hit him in the stomach and he folded in half.

Jin was the first to cross the distance. He hauled the guy off of Jimin and slammed him against the wall

"When someone says no, it means no, you piece of trash," Jin said before punching the guy straight in the jaw . Korain fell on his butt, whimpering. It looked painful as hell—but Hobi didn't feel sorry for the guy in the least.

"Hyung, let him go," Jimin said hoarsely, sliding down the wall and wrapping his arms around his knees. "I did lead him on. I'm not entirely blameless." He looked so small.


"Just get him out of my sight," Jimin whispered, looking at the ground. "Please."

Frowning, Jin looked at Hobi.

Hobi knew there were things Jimin would never talk about in front of Jin. His boyfriend and Jimin got along well enough, but they weren't that close. Jimin was Hobi's childhood friend, not Jin's.

Hobi eyed Jimin's bowed head. "Give us a few minutes, babe? Wait for us by the car?"

Nodding, Jin left, hauling Korain away by the collar.

Once they were alone, Hobi sat down next to Jimin pulling him into his arms. "He's gone, Jimin-ah. You're safe now."

A brittle laugh left Jimin's throat, his head sagging back against the wall. "I'm safe. So bloody safe."

Hobi's brows furrowed. "Why did you let it get so far with that prick? You looked uncomfortable when he was groping you at the table."

Jimin didn't answer for a while, his eyes dull and red.

At long last, he said, "I thought...I thought maybe what I needed to stop feeling so—so itchy—was to force myself to do something—anything—with the guy." Jimin laughed again. It was an awful sound: empty and uncomprehending. It terrified Hobi. Something was wrong, horribly wrong.

"But it was so different," Jimin whispered, looking at the ground. "Why was it so different? I kept waiting and hoping that...hoped that I would just get down on my knees, like a pliant bitch."

Now Hoseok was completely confused. Jimin wasn't making any sense.

"I thought he looked so much like him," Jimin blabbered, something hateful, obsessed, and desperate about his expression. "Just everything was wrong—the eyes, the lips, the touch, he wasn't him."

Goosebumps ran up Hobi's spine, a sinking feeling appearing in his stomach.

What is this guy talking about—?

Suddenly, he remembered a screenshot, from months ago. Hobi wanted to throw up right there. Everything made sense now.

"Jimin" he gasped.

"You know him. You know the person responsible for kidnapping you". Jimin stayed quite, eyes trained on the ground.

"Why did you lie Jimin-ah? To the police? To your dad? To all of us?" He shook Jimin by the shoulder. "Why?"

Jimin's eyes shifted to him, dark, wide, and lost. "If I told the truth, I would have to face him again," he said, barely moving his lips. "I just want to forget it ever happened. I don't wanna see him or think about him or—" He cut himself off, pressing his knuckles to his eyes. "I want to forget it ever happened. Please Hobi-hyung"

His heart heavy, Hobi pulled Jimin back to his chest. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think.

"But what about Korain?" he said, because he had to. "What if it happens again?"

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