I don't like him like that.

That's what you think but-


"-what do you think?" Theodore's voice bought me back to reality.
"About what?"

"Me sleeping over" he leaned back in the chair.
Q of ache
"Are you serious? Is that even allowed?"

"Who's going to find out?"

Good point?

"Where would you sleep? I guess you could sleep on the bed and I could bring a mattress in from somewhere-"

"Babe, we can sleep in the same bed" he cut me off

"But, my bed isn't that big"

He tapped his stomach.

"You want me to sleep on you? No."

"Why not?" He whined.

"What do you mean 'why not' Look at me. I'll suffocate you"

"No you won't."

"How would you know?"

"Because I'm going to get some of my stuff here right now" he stood up, walking towards the door.

I stood up and blocked the door. "No. What if I hurt you? Don't you have a bigger bed? Why can't I sleep there?"

"Baby" he cupped my face with both hands "one, you won't hurt me, two, I may or may not have a bigger bed, and three, I don't you to feel uncomfortable there. The lads I'm living with aren't very nice"

"But atleast you have a bigger bed. So let me come there."

"Jasmine, I-"

Hai bhagwan, I can't believe I'm about to do this. (Oh God)

I stuck my bottom lip out, slightly raising my eyebrows "please?"

He stared at me for a moment before his face softened and his shoulders dropped. "Fine. Get some of your stuff" he kissed my lips. 

He went back to my bed and laid down, taking out his phone.

I grabbed my small duffel bag and put my toiletries, towel, underwear, clothes and toothbrush in it.

"I'm going to go and tell Priya"

"Okay. I'll just pack up this homework. It's not due for another week anyways"


I knocked on her door "it's me!"

"One second!"

I heard alot muffled arguing and shuffling before she opened the door.
"Hello Jasmine!" She said, a little out of breath.

"Hello! Are you okay?" I looked behind her to see Connor on her bed, one arm behind his head, his chest heaving up and down.


"You were-"


"I'm not sorry. Focus on your studies. aap kya? jaanavaron? Your parents would be so disappointed" I jokingly scolded. (What are you? Animals?)

"Cupa rahō. Do you want to come in? Come in" she moved to the side. (Shut up)

"Okay. Hi Connor" I sat at the chair by her desk as she sat next to Connor.

"Hello" he waved

"I just wanted to tell you I'm going to Theodore's room!" I told Priya, excitedly.


"Oh no" Connor replied.

"What?" I asked

"I'm in the same building as him and our housemates are real dodgy"

"Yeah, he mentioned but it's not like I'm going to see them"

"But they're going to do everything to see you. Ask Pri. That's why she doesn't stay over"


"Jas, he's right. Why do you want to go there? Why doesn't he stay here?"

"Because my bed isn't big enough for the both of us" I mumbled.

"Oh Jas. Tell him to sleep on the floor. He doesn't deserve to sleep with you"

"Yeah, he's a bit of a player"

"Don't say that!" I whined "now I'm going to be worried everytime I'm with him. Why did you say that" I complained.

"I'm sorry kid"


"Yeah. You're the youngest"

"No I'm not. I'm born on the 22nd of October"

"3rd September." Connor replied

"29th September" Priya answered


"18th September"

"Hey! That's like Theodore"

"There you go"

"Oh whatever. No one cares anyways"

Connor and Priya chuckled.

"But seriously babe, are you sure you want to go there"

I shrugged.

"Jas?" Theodore called from outside "you want to go now?"

Priya opened the door to him holding my bag over his shoulder. 
"Hi guys"

Priya ignored him and walked towards her bed.

"Hi Theo" Connor greeted.

"Let's go babe"


"I can't honeykins. I'm busy" Connor winked at Theo.

"That's okay sweetie pie. I'm busy too"

Priya and I looked at each other, trying to hide our smiles.

We can't let them know they're actually funny.

"I'm going to go for a piss so once both of you are done with your moment, let me know" I said, walking past Theodore, heading to the bathroom.


"You better not play her, Theo. She's not one of your toys that you forget about after a month. She deserves better than that." Connor scolded, standing up.

"She's not! I'm not going to do that. I'm not the cunt I was in high school. I've changed for the better"

"You better fucking have." Priya added.

"I have"

"Good. So how was your day?" Connor's mood changed as he leaned against the wardrobe.

"Good. Tiring though. You?"

Jasmine walked out, standing next to her boyfriend.

The height difference wasn't as shocking as was thought. She reached to just over his collarbone.

"It would've been amazing if someone-" he looked at Jasmine "didn't interrupt something"

"I'm still not sorry"

Theodore chuckled "okay we're going to go now. I'll see you both tomorrow" he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Bye Priya! Bye Connor" Jasmine waved.

"Bye babe. Stay safe!" Priya waved back.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" Theodore asked as they walked down the stairs.

"What do you want?"


"That works"


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