Chapter 1

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"Mom I know you, you're planning something again and I'm telling you now..please. DON'T"Emma groaned,her voice laced with exasperation as she caught up with her overexcited mother over the phone.She's finally going home after being away for 3 years to pursue her MBA at Harvard.

"Fine..why is it that I gave birth to you but you turned out to be just like your father."Her mother quipped,a clear annoyance in her voice.

"Mom you know as much as I love you, I hate attention....oh...boarding gates are open I have to drop this call now..bye love you"she quickly hits the end button and sighed.Emma took a deep breath picking up her bag and joined the line of passengers just hoping her mom would listen,she wanted to experience being normal for once.

While she was on the line,one of the crew was looking weirdly at her then with a friendly smile he approached her.

"Are you Ms. Emma Swan?"she suppressed a sigh knowing her mother's involvement yet again.

Meanwhile at Boston airport,Emma's closest pals- Ruby,Lace and Belle eagerly stood in the arrival area.Lucy even held a big welcome back sign.

"Lucy I told you if Emma gets mad because of that horrendous poster it's all on you"Ruby warned.

"Trust me she won't,anyways what time did you say Emma will arrive??"Lucy asked.

"Guys there she is, Emma!!!"they all squealed and pulled her into a hug.

"Girls c-alm down y-ou're killing m-e."she said tapping her friends to let her go.

"We missed you so much Em,wow it's only been what? 4 years and you've changed a lot.....and uh what happened to your shirt?"

"An annoying woman who thinks she owns the plane's a long story....anyways it's still the same old me. I miss you guys too"

"Sorry to break the moment but it's almost lunch and I'm starving,Em I drove your car here like you asked,now where do you want to go first? Do you want to drop by somewhere or do you want to go straight home?"

"I think home is the best option for me right now.If I don't anytime sooner I'm afraid mom would overreact again and you most certainly don't want to see that happen."

It's been a long ride but the view is worth it for Lucy and Belle they never in the slightest felt the need to nap.

"Oh my Gosh,Lucy! quick, slap me. I must be dreaming? Emma is this.....this is not a prank right?So I was right all along you are loaded" Belle said in awe rubbing her eyes.

"A-h yes,I hid it from everyone because I don't want people to like me because they know I'm rich."

"Well that's understandable"Lucy said.

"But Em... for someone who wants to hide her identity you are failing miserably,how could you walk in class wearing prada shoes and a super limited edition Hermes bag, it's a give away.A guy in our class said it's either you are rich or a whore with lots of sugar d's"Belle commented.Then the car suddenly stopped cutting their conversation

"Uhm guys we're here..and a-h Em.."Ruby said and they all got out of the car with Lucy rubbing her eyes repeatedly and Belle was lost admiring the huge mansion in front of her.

"Emma honey you're finally home"stood in front of the doorway is a middle-aged woman whose presence exudes elegance and confidence. Her captivating brown eyes is like a rich mahogany wood with a depth that seems to hold the galaxy in them.

"Mom,I missed you"Emma said hugging her mother before kissing her on the cheeks.

"Why don't you bring your friends inside.I know you are all tired.I've prepared snacks for you guys"Emma then turned to her friends and instantly her brows arched.Belle and Lucy seemed to be frozen,their mouth slightly agape as if words have abandoned them.

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