Chapter 15

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Emma knocked gently before opening the door.

"Miss Mills the limo as well as the security convoy you requested are here.We're ready when you are".She turned to leave but then stopped halfway then turned around.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add Swan?"Regina asked looking at Emma through the mirror.

"N-o but it's something that's been bothering me for awhile now?"

"What is it?"Regina replied, wiping the smeared lipstick off her lips.

"Why do you hate me?Aside from ofcourse our eventful encounter on the plane why?"Regina stood up then faced her with brows arched.

"...well hate is a strong word Swan but to answer your remind me of someone with that hideous blonde hair of yours"she shrugged.

"Wow, that's it? My hair? were so mean to me because of my hair?For god's sake you could've just told me I will dye my hair red or black...oh my gosh unbelievable"Emma said throwing her hands in the air while Regina smirked as she passed by Emma.

"Regina,I'm honored you accepted my last minute invite Lily told me you guys are on your way to the airport"Regina's brows slightly raised as she tried to discretely find the woman named Lily.

"It's nothing besides I also have something to say to you in person"

"Alright then but first let's all get settled down"August led them to a private room.On their way there someone pulled Emma to the side causing her to jump and almost punch Lily.

"I worry for nothing,look at you your fine. I was really thinking I am going to attend your funeral because of what happened"Emma tilted her head in disbelief.

"Really,you are the most thoughtful bestfriend in the whole galaxy...but seriously Lil I truly am thankful for what you did"

"Nah All I did was call Victoria,you should thank her instead. If you can only hear her voice do you know she flew straight to London for you"

"Huh? She told me she's..."the two were cut off when someone spoke.

"So If I'm not mistaken you're Lily"both women turned around.Emma gave a light squeeze on Lily's arm letting her know she should not say anything stupid.

"Pleasure to meet you,your majesty.Apologies for snatching your assistant. I've heard so much about you from Emma"Emma gasp giving Lily a quick nudge on the shoulder.

"Can I excuse your....uhmm FRIEND for awhile"Regina told Lily.

"O-h yes yes"Lily brows furrowed as she leaned to Emma and whispered.

"What was that? Did you see her look? She cleared her throat before she said friend.Weird..Did she think...."

"Emma!"they turned and saw Victoria approaching. She wore a black dress with a coat draped all over her shoulders but her plunging neckline is still visible. For someone her age Victoria is really hot. Emma's cheeks feel hot,Regina on the other hand looked pissed.

"Oh boy.This lunch is gonna be good"Lily covered her mouth trying to stifle a laugh.

"Hello Regina.I see the dress fits you well"

"Victoria"Regina responded with a slight nod.

Did something happen back at the farm?Why do I feel tension between the two? Lily whispered to Emma

Lily shhhh..

"Can I steal Emma for a moment?"Victoria asked.

Emma and Lily looked at each other.

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