Chapter 9

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A loud thud followed by the sound of the buzzing door greeted Emma the next morning.She doesn't even realize it's morning until she crawls back to the couch to get her phone.

Shit I fell asleep

Scratching her head she rushed to the bathroom to freshen up.She stared blankly at the walls thinking she forgot something again. Just in time the door buzzed again making Emma jump.She went to the door and looked at the security camera.Regina's going to kill her if she opens the door without her permission.She tiptoed to her room and gently knocked at her door.

"Miss Mills someone's at the door should I open it?"Emma asked.Then she heard footsteps and the door opens revealing Regina.Emma's eyes landed on the papers on her bed and on the table.It seems like she's been working all night.Emma felt guilty,she was supposed to help her but she fell asleep.

Regina did not say anything but just passed by her and went directly to the door to open it.Her jaw dropped as she got a closer look at their guest,he looked like Brad Pitt's twin,the resemblance is uncanny, his jet black hair and dark gray eyes makes him even hotter. Emma then saw him giving Regina a bouquet and kissed her cheek.

Oh he must be the Robin Locksley. So it is indeed true even the evil queen has a love life

"Why are you standing there like an idiot?"

"GAAAAHHHHhh"Emma shouted jumping a foot into the air startled by Regina's presence.I should stop drinking coffee and stick to hot cocoa. Emma reminded herself.

"Get us something to drink"

"O-h yes mam"

"Hey babe"

"Hello Robin,thank you for coming despite short notice"

"Anything for you babe"he smiled.

"oh this is awkward"Emma murmured as she came back with their drinks. Robin then finally acknowledges her presence and looked her way.

"Regina you didn't tell me you have company.Who is she?"

"Oh she's my new assistant,Katherine and Rebecca are always insisting that I should get another one after I fired the last one"she explained nonchalantly.

"Nice to meet you...."

"Emma,Emma Swan"

"Swan..A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I felt like we've been introduced before though"Robin said lifting a hand on his chin.

"You must have mistaken me for another person sir I get that a lot from people" she let out a nervous chuckle but Emma's sure it's the first time she saw Robin.

"Stop interrogating her Robin,why don't we get down to business right away.I know you are a busy man "

"It's okay babe,I can always cancel if that means longer time with you.It's been so long"

"Oh you're the sweetest,I'm sure it's not only me that you miss but also my pie"Regina whispered almost sounded seductive in Emma's ears.

Emma choked on her drink and her eyes almost popped out.She can feel all the hairs in her body rising.She never imagined she would witness that side of her.Her callous always annoyed boss is clearly flirting in front of her and it's making her cringe.

"So sad I don't have apples in the fridge.Maybe next time come visit me in my penthouse I always have a fresh batch of apple pie ready.

"So she meant apple pie "Emma wanted to smack herself.Not only her mouth would get her in trouble but also her malicious mind.

"I'd love that babe and love you"Robin said capturing Regina's lips who responded to the kiss but her eyes is on Emma for some weird reason Regina wanted to see her assistant's reaction.

Oh god the scenes are just getting weirder and weirder Emma murmured.She turned around not wanting to see the ending it's like seeing your parents making out in the living room.

Regina broke the kiss upon seeing her assistant nonchalantly walking away.

"Why don't you go now you still have a plane to catch,I'll see you at the company's anniversary"she said dryly. The two of them were planning to make their first appearance together officially as a couple on the anniversary of Mills Corp which is a month from now.

"Bye I hope things work out well call me if you need anything okay"he said kissing her one more time before he finally let himself out.

"Miss Mills here's your coffee" Emma said bringing Regina her coffee, the older woman studied her face.She caught on what her boss was thinking so she smiled.

"Don't worry Miss Mills it's not my nature to pry on somebody's life.My mouth is sealed for as long as it needed.Besides I am a great believer and supporter of happy endings."Regina was annoyed by her response hiding it with rolling her eyes and ignoring her.

Emma's phone rings so she quickly excuses herself.

"What Lil I'm busy"

"Shut up,I know you are not cause if you do you won't answer my call, tell your boss you're going out.I'm also in London"Emma squealed in excitement.

"Are you serious or you're also pranking me"Emma asked.

"No silly I'm not if you want I can send you a live video of me standing in front of the big ben"

"No I believe in you wait lemme just find the perfect time,I'm excited"

"You should be someone else is joining us"

"NO WAY!LILITH YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT TELL ME it isn't what I'm thinking"

"Let's meet up and you'll bishhh"

"Bye"Emma was grinning from ear to ear.She can't wait to see Lily and probably Neal.

After the call Emma quickly grabbed her laptop and started doing her task.She focuses her mind on it so she was able to finish everything by noon.

"Miss Mills I'm done compiling all files related to Hamelin group and also I got hold of August schedule from her secretary"Emma lied about the secretary thing she called August himself asking him of his schedule to which the man did not hesitate to give her his precise schedule.

Regina stared at Emma suspiciously,she looks like she's struggling to tell her something.


"Miss Mills?"

"What do you want to tell me?"she said crossing her arms.

"Uhmmm...Can I go out tonight? my also here in London and she wanted to see me we've not seen each other for years"Emma exclaimed flashing a toothy smile to convince Regina.

"Whatever,go I don't care"Regina waved her hand and went to her room.

"O-kay I'll take that as a yes"she shrugged sending a quick text to Lily."She said yes"

When Emma left Regina called Sydney Glass again.

"Have you found anything about her?"

"I'm sorry Miss Mills but I reached a dead end.Emma Swan grew up in an orphanage.Somebody left her outside the place when she was a baby so they don't have any clue who her parents are. She jumped from one foster parent to another...."

"Keep digging I know that she is hiding a lot of things I'll call you back"

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