Chapter Forty-Four

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Sauntering into our new house is something I would've never guessed. I always thought I'll be living in the same apartment with paparazzi surrounding me until my dying breath. I never would've thought I'll be leaving the spotlight because I would think that I could possibly cope with the stress.

However, picking up our bags with Xavier in my arms and Harry beside me, it was actually happening. We spent the last two days on the road, in motels and everything but we finally made it to Mahone Bay in one piece. There was alot of crying and screaming but we managed to make it with smiles.

As we drove through the small town, I realised there was a small school with students running around and there were shops lined up against the streets. Everyone was enjoying their coffees as they chatted and it definitely seemed like everyone knew eachother. The weather is quite gloomy with grey clouds over our heads but everyone seemed to enjoy the type of vibe in the mornings.

With Harry turning into a small street, there was a lake right in front that led to a forest on the other side and warfs for boats and a light house. The street had couples walking for exercises while music blasted in their ears and the houses that lined up against the street were small, colourful and homey for people.

Now, as I stand in my ivory painted home, it's quite the looker. When we first came in, the garden had blooming colourful flowers that lined up against the house while a large Jacaranda tree spread purple flowers all over the lawn. However, inside is even more beautiful. It really caught my attention.

With two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and a backyard, it really seems like a perfect fit. I saunter with Xavier in my arms into different rooms and see them empty since we didn't have time to actually set up furniture. Even the backyard is beautiful with a small garden with blooming flowers on each side and a large green lawn that spread out.

"So, what do you think, love?" Harry asks as he wraps his arms from behind and smiles. With his strong cologne and normal grey trackies, I let myself be consumed as I stare into the backyard where Xavier is going to grow up. I could practically see him running around with a small swing set and his friends laughing and tagging him with smiles.

"I think it's perfect," I smile as I look back at him. "I think we can make this home great," I continue as I gaze around with a smile.

"Shall we get to work?" He asks and I nod. With that, I place a sleeping Xavier in his pram and I follow Harry into our car to grab our luggages. Just unpacking our luggages and finally spreading our furniture is something I always wanted to do. As we were driving here, the moving people managed to send the furniture here so all we had to do was spread the stuff out in accordance to our liking.

By six o'clock, I place Xavier into his freshly made room with a book stand, a small bed and all the things he need, and he falls asleep after I breast feed him for the fifth time today. Just seeing him fall asleep makes my heart swirl because it's hard to put him to sleep. I close the door behind me and look at the place because I finally can see our home.

"Hey, love. I got news," Harry says as he walks out from the bathroom. As we both take a seat on the couch, I intertwine our hands and wait. "Okay, so we're already gaining so much money from merch, and other things but to occupy my days ahead, I got a job," he says with a smile. My eyes widen to the news but a smile manages to bloom onto my lips.

"No way, are you serious?" I exclaim.

"Yes, it's a bakery and the old women there are so damn nice. It'll be a nice change," he says as I see the excitement in his eyes. One thing that I know about Harry is that he loves baking and cooking. He's the one who would basically throw himself into the kitchen to just release some stress and to make us food. I don't even try anymore because he always tells me off about it.

"Oh my God, that's great, babe," I exclaim as I wrap my arms around him tightly. Squealing, I fall down on him and I smile down at him. With that, I smash my lips onto his and he allows me to take charge—slipping my tongue right into his mouth. However, with a doorbell ringing, we quickly jump off one another.

"Of course. If it's not Xavier, it's someone else," he mutters. Running a hand through his hair, we both amble to the pink door and he opens it to reveal a nice looking young couple. With the man being very tall—taller than Harry with chocolate coloured eyes, brown waves of hair and long skinny black jeans and a white loose white t-shirt, he's quite the looker but not as fine as Harry himself. The girl is also beautiful with tanned skin, long brown waves, chocolate coloured eyes and she's shorter than all of us as well.

"Hey, you must be our new neighbours. I'm Shawn and this is Camila," the tall man introduces with a wide smile and shakes Harry's hand.

"Hey man, nice meeting you both," Harry says as he gladly returns the handshake with a smile and I can't help but smile as well. They seem like a normal perfect couple. "Harry, and this is my girlfriend Starlette," he says.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask. Nodding, they both come in and take seats on the couch. With bright smiles and alot of chatting, we actually got to know them alot.

Shawn and Camila grew up as neighbours in this town and they also worked in the same coffee shop. With that, they fell in love and eventually had a daughter—moving in right next door to us. Even their daughter is the same age as Xavier who they would want to meet eventually. Just seeing a normal couple without their intentions of getting close because of our fame makes my heart swell with a complete and utter glow of happiness.

"Man, I've been playing guitar all my life—" I hear Shawn chuckle as he strings the guitar in his hands. Averting my attention off the two men, I turn to Camila who happens to be making hot chocolate for all of us. Just seeing a normal looking woman who doesn't care for the spotlight made me excited because I just wanted a normal friend who doesn't care.

"Oh my God, and then we sat in the meadow and Shawn popped the question. You know how exciting that was? When is Harry going to pop the question?" She asks as she turns to meet my eyes. To be honest, I didn't know either. We never actually talked about marriage—in fact, people called us Mr and Mrs Styles without even knowing we weren't.

"I actually have no idea. He better hurry up because my finger is looking a little bare," I smirk. With that, she erupts into laughter.

"Now that's the spirit. I can always make Shawn give Harry some subtle hints—wait, that's a bad idea. Shawn can't keep secrets for shit," she says with a smile and glances back at her husband who happens to be strumming the guitar and laughing with Harry.

"Yeah, I'm not going to risk that," I laugh. "But knowing Harry, he still wouldn't pick up on those hints if Shawn ever did," I say with a smile.

"Men are dumb, I swear to God," she says and I can't help but laugh because it's true. Grabbing our four mugs of hot chocolate, we place them on the table and we all take one. "So, guys, how are you liking this town so far?" Camila asks as she glances between us.

"Awesome. We just needed a change," Harry says as he takes a sip from the drink and I nod in agreement with his answer.

"And tell me when we're allowed to meet your daughter, Skylar already!" I exclaim as I lean back onto the couch with the mug in my hands. Shawn laughs and so does she, but they quickly nod.

"Yeah, of course. She's with my mum and dad tonight but tomorrow, we can come for Harry's first day at the bakery. Welcome him around and show him to everyone there," Shawn says as he slaps him on the shoulder.

"That'll be great," Harry smiles. With that, Xavier begins to cry with his loud and strong voice and they both say they have to leave. Hugging them, they both leave back to their home in which we'll see them tomorrow again. "I think I found my new best friend," Harry laughs as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"And I think I've found mine too. I guess I don't need you anymore," I smirk as I push him away and walk to Xavier's room.

With a scoff, I see him roll his eyes. "Well, be like that, baby. I guess you don't deserve this," he smirks as he gestures down to his body.

And with that, I feel my life falling together.

(Hey lovelies! What did you think?)

~Love, Natalie

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