Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Harry Styles

It's so dark.

I can't even process where I am. All I can see is the nothingness of black and an empty void of my heart. I remember the moterbike accident but after that impact, I can't figure out where I am or how to get back to Starlette and my child. I just need to get home but how?

Abruptly, with the flicker of lights, I'm swarmed with colourful and bright colours. From pink, blue, yellow, purple, there's no black. It's like it doesn't exist anymore. Flowers bloom with all vibrant and bright colours as the meadow swarms with wildlife and their beautiful natural light.

I gaze down and see I'm wearing all white. With a white suit jacket and pants, even my shoes are white. How the heck did I end up wearing white from my usual black clothes? It's like I switched clothes in a matter of time without even realising I was actually doing it.

But what really catches my attention is Starlette. With her ivory sundress, it flows gently to the soft breeze and her curls cascade beautifully down her back and front with a white flower crown blooming around her head. However, my eyes trail down to see a young boy with green eyes and chestnut curls holding her hand.

"Harry, you have to come back to us," she says, her soft and angelic flooding my ears and I know for a fact that she's right. I want to come back—I need to but how do I do it? "You can't leave us—look at X-" she trails off.

"What?" I mouth but my voice doesn't come out—instead, I'm mute. With every word, I can't hear myself speak. "Starlette, what do you mean X?" I mouth but she shakes her head as if she can't hear me—I mean she can't because I can't even hear myself speak.

"Harry, come back to us, please," she says again with her voice becoming firmer. "Harry, can you hear me? Can't you say anything?" She asks with her angelic voice and I shake my head. I can't hear her—I can't even hear myself to speak in the first place. How did this happen?

"Starlette, I can hear you," I mouth.

"Harry, I can't hear you. Why aren't you responding to me? Did you make up your mind?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows.

I shake my head. "No, I want to come home," I mouth but her frown deepens and her eyebrows furrow together even more.

"Harry, hold my hand. I'll take you home," she smiles as she grips my hand. I hold onto her soft and manicured hand and grip it with dear life. I needed to hold on because I wanted to.

But what really takes me off guard is when I hear her scream. "What? Are you okay?" I mouth but the words don't even come out. I'm startled and I'm scared because I needed to make sure my child and her are safe.

"Harry, where are you going? Come back!" She screams and I nod desperately. I wasn't leaving so why is she screaming? Why is she fading from view and why the heck is my hand turning into liquid?

"What's happening?" I mouth. I stare at my hand that's gripping hers and I see it gradually turn into liquid. I can still feel her hand but I'm slowly losing my reality—my home. My eyebrows knit together and I feel my chest tighten to the ridiculous and intense pain.

"Harry, don't leave us. Come back! I can't lose you, Harry, so please come back to us!" She screams—but I can't see her anymore. Instead, I'm suffocating in the depth of darkness with her voice creeping in.


Unknown POV

As Starlette stares at the white sliding doors of Harry's room, she couldn't help but feel hopeless. With her knees drawn to her chest, she sits on the white chair with magazines beside her on a side table. People walk up and down as they wait for their loved ones and she couldn't help but feel bad for them.

Starlette wasn't the type of girl who wanted to give into love but Harry was different. Her motto was always: give it your all or give it your nothing—but with him, she gave it all. With his cheutreuse green irises and curly hair, she couldn't help but feel glad she found him and even gave into this type of love.

As her mind reminisces all the shared moments, Harry was laying on his white bed. He was deep in his slumber—a coma that could last for days, months or even years. His eyes remained close as his mind went through all the moments that they shared together. He so desperately wanted to come back but his body didn't allow him to wake up again.

Harry felt like he was gone. He felt like she moved on and she wasn't there anymore. He felt like it's been years since he's seen the beautiful world and her beautiful face. Did she give birth and have their son? Is she dating or even worse, get married to another man? How long has it been since he's seen her?

Time won't fly, he feels like he's paralysed. He'd like to feel his old self again but he can't seem to find it anymore. It's like his soul walked right of his body and he's left trying to scavenge around for it once again. What if it doesn't want to be found? What if it's the end?

Between the two lost loves, they couldn't help but feel like they lost it all. They couldn't help but feel like it's the end when it really isn't. Didn't they have hope or was that too much of a wild imagination for them? Hope was just too far out of their grasp to actually grab. They wanted to let go to ease the pain but all they did was hold on—only because that's they had left of their hopeless and endless love.

(Hey lovelies! What'd you think?)

~Love, Natalie

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