Chapter Two

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Harry Styles

With the constant nagging of the media in my mind, I look through articles and blogs that people happened to say about me. From 'I want a refund, he didn't even finish the set list' to 'he's trying to divert the attention of his lying and cheating ass. No wonder he pulled something like that', my eyes scan every word that's plastered on the internet.

I lean back onto the couch and wait for my entrance on James's Cordons show. Since the release of my new album and tour, James personally invited me onto his talk show. Luckily, it didn't take much since he's practically my best friend. So as I wait for my entrance, I do the one thing I promised myself I shouldn't do-read the internet.

"Hey mate, you're on," Jeff says as he walks into my changing room. With his jeans and white shirt, he ushers me off the couch. "Get your lazy ass of the couch, man, but I should warn you, James is sick so there's a replacement for him, okay?" he continues and I cock an eyebrow in confusion.

"Isn't the point of the show to have James on there in the first place? Who is it anyways?" I ask as I rise from the couch and tug on my black suit jacket with anticipation.

"Some chick named Starlette. Be nice, you're on thin ice right now with the media. Any other drama that's pulled is on you, okay?" He warns and I sigh with a nod. With all that drama that happened in my show, the news has been buzzing with what happened and if I was the cause of it for attention. I mean, I already have enough attention, do I need even more?

"Okay, thanks. I'll try to not make a scene but don't blame me when some crap happens again. I guess drama loves following me," I sigh as I make my way to the stage. I see many people scattering around as they prepare for my entrance, cameras and other things and I take in a deep breath. As I walk over to the woman and the two seats, the audience roars with screams and I wave and smile politely.

Staring at the woman, my eyebrows shoot up to her beauty. With chestnut coloured thick curls that cascade down her back, sapphire-lit irises and a slender and toned body in a black suit, she brightly smiles with pearly whites. "Harry, what a pleasure," she beams as she shakes my hand.

Falling captive with her looks, I take a seat in front of her and adjust myself. "The pleasure is all mine," I say with a small smirk. I scan her features-from her crimson stained lips and sapphire-lit irises, she's really a sight for sore eyes.

"Anyways, Harry," she says with a cocked eyebrow. "What happened back there-with the whole visual images? Was that apart of your plan on gaining some extra attention?" She smiles-the sort that seems she's up to no good. My eyebrows furrow to her change of tone and questions but I shrug it off.

"Uhm, no, that actually wasn't my plan. It was just stunt some people managed to pull off," I briefly state as I try to relax myself. She eyes me like she's about to attack me with her claws and I feel very vulnerable to her gaze.

"So the media was lying when they said it was just a stunt and you had nothing to do with it?" She asks and I nod as I lick my lips. "And were they wrong when they said you're a man whore?" She asks with narrowed eyes.

With wide eyes, I blink at her. Is this a game to her or something? Is these questions even legal right now? "Excuse me? I don't think that's very appropriate," I voice as I clear my throat nervously.

"So it's true then. You really are-I mean with your cheating scandal and past, you really have nothing to say for yourself, huh?" she smiles-like actually smiles with her pearly whites and my eyes remain wide.

"I- uhm, I just prefer not to talk about them-"

"Because it's true then?" She pesters and my heart quickens to her questions. Wasn't this show family friendly and where the hell is James? Is he even sick?

"I said I'm not answering these personal questions," I snap as I narrow my eyes and clench my jaw in distaste. Who the hell does she think she is to bring this in a talk show?

"Okay, fine, then. Have it your way," she says as she uses her hands to gesture okay. "Then let's talk about 'Deception'. Have you heard of that little band, Harry?" She asks as she narrows her eyes slightly and leans onto the arm of her seat.

My heart picks up even more and I scratch the nape of my neck. "Uhm, yeah I have. They have pretty good songs," I lie as I tightly smile.

"Oh, so you know the band leader 'Alex'? The guy you put behind bars for some misuse of substances and ruined their image?" She snaps and my eyes widen to her tone and words. She couldn't be serious right now? "Wasn't it because of your little problem of sharing the spotlight?" She continues.

"I think you have the wrong information, Miss," I snap with narrowed eyes. "I have no problem with sharing. This whole industry has talented artists and it's not my fault he happened to be at the wrong place in the wrong time," I continue as I clench my fists.

"Oh, so you've heard of them? So you've heard of a little someone who happened to crash your show and steal the spotlight?" She smirks and my eyes raise in shock. So there's a new leader and they're after me now? Just for revenge-ruining my damn name?

"What?" I voice as I look around quickly.

"All I know is that, she's coming for you, Styles," she smirks and I feel my heart stop.

"That's enough questions for today, Miss," I say as I rise from my seat and fix my jacket. She stares at me with her sapphire-lit irises and a smirk befalls her lips once again.

"Are you a little scared, Styles? Scared of the consequences of telling? I guess you never leave kindergarten habits behind, do you?" She laughs with a shake of her head.

"Goodbye," I snap and turn my back.

"And this ladies and gentlemen, is Mr Styles. Give him a round of an applause!" She shouts into the audience and they erupt into cheers. Heat befalls my cheeks but I push away any negative feelings for the time being and wave and smile as I make my way off the stage.

What the hell just happened?

(Hey lovelies! What did you think?)

~Love, Natalie

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