Chapter Thirteen

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Harry Styles

Can someone explain to me what I just did? Like why did I f*cking kiss and have sex with the one woman I despise the most? Was it because of what she was wearing or because I wanted to prove that I wasn't bad in bed? Who f*cking knows. All I know is that I f*cked her...hard and you could definitely tell.

I can still imagine every touch and every word she whispered. Great, why the f*ck am I hard? All I know is that I need to get her out of my head because I know she plans on ruining me. I don't f*cken associate with my enemies—like at all.

"Mate, it's f*cken late. I'm going home," Jeff says as he walks into the room. His eyes widen as he sees me wrapped up in an ivory white sheet—f*cking naked. "What the hell?" He exclaims as he covers his eyes with his hand. "Care to explain?" He asks.

"Not even the slightest. I'll be right out," I say with a sigh and he quickly rushes out. Jumping off the couch, I slip on my boxers with the rest of my clothes and run my hand through my messy wild curls. "What the f*ck did I just do?" I mumble as I pull out my phone and find Starlette's number.

Placing the phone on my ear, she picks up on the second ring. "Hello?" She mumbles. I could definitely tell I had just woken her up.

"Hey, Star," I say as I lean back onto the couch.

"What the f*ck do you want, Styles?" She snaps as her sleepy voice hardens a touch.

"No need to get fiesty," I chuckle. "I'm just calling to check up on you. You still sore?" I ask as I smirk with satisfaction. I hear her scoff and move around in her bed.

"Look, Styles, I may of had a blast but you should know that it meant nothing to me. So whatever fantasy you have about me running away with you to a faraway land, just scrap it," she explains with her voice hard and annoyed.

My eyebrows furrow and I feel my heart sink. "Hey, I know that," I say as I try to play it off. "I was just checking up on you—no harm done," I say and I run a hand through my messy curls.

"Okay, that's a relief. I didn't want any strings attached. I'm still planning on ruining you," she says as her voice lightens and I could tell she's beginning to tease me once again.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I mutter.


Unlocking my phone, I do the most ridiculous thing—I f*cken search Starlette's user name. Her profile picture pops up with her in a red bikini and a background of a beach. Viewing her profile, I feel like a damn stalker.

I scroll through her pictures as I see her on vacations with her friends and other things of food and other dumb crap. However, what really catches my attention is her new photo with some dude I don't know. I check when it's posted and realise she just uploaded it an hour ago—half an hour after our talk.

My eyebrows furrow as I analyse every detail of the photo. She's smiling into the camera while the guy kisses her on the f*cken cheek. I lean back onto my bed and look again to see that I f*cken liked the damn photo. My stomach churns and with wide eyes, I quickly unlike it.

Oh God, I'm actually f*cked.

Some type of weird feeling blossoms in the pit of my stomach and I put my phone my stand. I don't understand why she posted it. Is she trying to make me jealous or something? No, she couldn't possibly do that. I mean, she's the one who said no strings attached.

Frustrated, I grab my phone and call Emma. To be clear, I don't have feelings whatsoever for this woman. She's only there to satisfy me whenever I need it and she happily obliges. She picks up after the second ring and her squeaky voice floods my ears. "Hello?"

"Hey, Em. Come over?" I ask and she accepts. Within an hour, I hear her at the door and make my way over there without another thought. It may be early in the morning like five, but I knew she would never pass up the opportunity to please me in any way possible.

"Hey, baby. Long time, no see," she flirts as she bats her eyelash extensions. I sigh in frustration as she gets to work. All I can thinking about is Starlette and how it's different with her. I felt the electricity with her, but not with this girl...

With Emma, I stare up at the grey ceiling and think about Starlette. With her oceanic blue eyes and chestnut curls, she really is a sight for sore eyes.

What am I saying? I don't like Starlette.

"Baby, why the f*ck is your phone on?" She squeals as she pounces back from me. Eyes snapping onto my phone, it reveals my Instagram on live. That means that f*cken millions of people saw me. My eyes widen as I quickly hit the off button and look over to Emma. "What was that? Did you really think you can make a sex tape?" She voices in a high toned voice.

"No, it isn't like that. I think I clicked the wrong button," I say as I try to calm her down. Cussing, she pulls her satin red dress on again and walks away—and I don't even stop her. I check a few articles and comments under my recent photos and see many hate comments.

"Starlette a cheater and now Harry? Is this an open relationship that we don't know about?"

"I thought Harry would've been better after Starlette's new photo with her new bae,"

"Hey, aren't they through? I think they're allowed to see other people when they're not dating anymore," another person comments.

At least they understand.

Feeling the vibration of my phone, I see Starlette's name at the top and I accept. "What the hell, Styles?" She snaps.

"Well, good morning to you," I mumble.

"You seriously thought you can hurt me by going live and having some sex session? Even though we're fake over, doesn't mean you can do that," she says with venom laced within her softish voice.

"Oh, so you can post pictures with that guy?" I say as I stand up from my bed and pace up and down.

"That's my best friend, Ryder!" She exclaims. "What's it to you anyways? I told you there's no strings after tonight, okay? Stop being jealous," she says as she huffs angrily.

"Me? Jealous? In your wildest dreams. I didn't even mean to put it on live, okay? I sorta clicked it before me and that woman got it on," I huff as I flop onto my bed once again.

"Why were you even with her anyways? Wasn't I enough for tonight?" She snaps.

"I smell a little jealousy," I tease. "And yes, you were but you made it pretty clear that you didn't want to do it again so I had to find some other temporary release," I mumble the last words and she actually laughs.

"Wow, a woman lets you down and you need a temporary release? Couldn't you find someone you actually like and do it with them instead of hiring prostitutes?" She snaps.

"Why do you care with what I do in my life? There's no strings and you're not my girlfriend, okay?" I growl as I clench my jaw.

"You're right. I'm not your girlfriend and I will never be... and I'm coming over," she states before hesitation laces with her words.

"What?" I splutter as I read the clock that reads 5:30am.

"You heard me, Styles, I'm coming over,"

(Hey lovelies! What did you think?)

~Love, Natalie

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