Chapter Twenty

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Have you ever felt such a pain that it consumes you until your very last breath? The kind of regret that leaves you rotting in your grave until you're begging to breath again? Is this how it's always going to be like? Helplessly devoted to a man in which I can't speak the unsaid words in my mind?

"Oh my God, Star!" Aurelia shrieks. My eyes avert away from my beige ceiling and I sit up from my bed. "You will never believe what happened! Harry got arrested!' She exclaims with a smile. "I don't know what ticked him off but he punched a reporter and they sued him," she continues as she shows me an article with Harry punching the screen. I grab the phone and begin reading it desperately.

Latest gossip on TeenageTea.

You're probably wondering how good boy Harry Styles has turned bad, right? Our golden boy has reportedly punched a reporter with a massive crowd as witnesses. What possibly could of happened in order to piss of the Rockstar? Is this because of a certain girl named Starlette? If so, follow us for our latest gossip around the Rockstar, Harry Styles!

With my mouth hung open and eyes widened, I look up to meet the eyes of Aurelia. "Are you serious? Harry's been arrested, like for real?" I exclaim as I push the phone onto the sheets and rise from my bed. "I can't believe this—I mean, why would he even do that?" I question fustrately as I slip on my blue washed up shorts.

"Starlette, what are you doing? You don't seem too happy—please don't tell me you're backing out of our plan?" She whines as she stands up and grabs my arms dramatically. "You can't back out now. We're so close," she continues as she desperately tries to plead with her eyes.

"I'm not backing out," I snap. "I'm going for a walk," I continue as I rip my arms away. "Don't follow me or even call me because this is going to be one heck of a journey," I say as I take a step back and clench my fists tightly.

"I have a feeling you're not talking about a walk," she hesitantly says and I roll my eyes. I turn my back on her and walk right of our apartment without another thought. If this man needs me, then so be it. Even though I desperately tried to push him away to save him, doesn't mean I couldn't help him.

"I'm so going to regret this," I mutter. Sliding into a taxi, I give him the police station where Harry has been put into custody. Digging into more articles, I find myself staring at Harry who wears a orange jumpsuit behind bars. My eyes widen as I realise he isn't even at the station because he's behind bars—where my brother happens to be. "Can you hurry up?" I ask the driver and he steps onto the gas.


Harry Styles

Staring at the chipped white wall, my mind circles around the woman that left me. With every throbbing pain within my heart, I take in a sharp breath. I realise I'm going to be left in this hell whole until Jeff bails me out. I mean, why would he anyways? Aren't I the man who helplessly followed a woman like a lost puppy?

"You're Styles, right?" A deep and unfamiliar voice floats to my eyes and I turn my head to see a bulky man with a bald head, a thick black beard and two sleeves of tattoos. He cocks an eyebrow with a slit and leans against my cells' gate.

"What's it to you?" I snap.

"Don't give me that attitude," he snarls as he balls his fists and takes a step forward. "I can see why Alex despises you so much—you're a f*cken dick," he snaps as he narrows his eyes.

"Maybe because he made me one. Now, what the f*ck do you want from me?" I snap as I stand onto my feet and stand my ground. I ball my fists as I stare into his hazel eyes.

"You're coming with me, Styles," he snarls as he grabs my arm and drags me with him. My eyes widen as I feel his dirty touch on my skin and I struggle to get out of his grip—only because he's taller and has way more muscle.

"Get your f*cken hand off me, dick," I snap. He leads me through the hallway with chipped white painted walls and cells on either sides until we make our way through doors. My eyes scan around and I realise I'm outside with barbed gates around the large oval and criminals exercising or sitting around. "Leave me alone, jackass," I snarl as I rip my arm away from his tight grip.

"You're going to regret ever talking to me like that, Styles. I can't wait to see your bloody face against the floor," he threatens as he looks down into my eyes and clenches his jaw.  I stand my ground as I stare up at him but with a familiar voice, I turn around the meet the eyes of the one and only Alex.

"Styles, what a surprise. Didn't peg you as the criminal," he smirks. With his sapphire-lit irises like his sister, black curly hair and stubble growing against his jaw, I take in his appearance. He seemed so different from the last time I saw him. "Welcome to my humble abode," he smiles and gestures around him.

"Alex," I snarl with gritted teeth. "What the f*ck do you want?" I say as I take a step closer. From the corner of my eye, I see four men take a step forward like they're some type of bodyguards but my eyes remain on him.

"Revenge," he smirks.

Taking a step forward, Alex throws his left fist onto my jaw and I feel myself stumble back as I clutched my jaw tightly. I feel my eyes water due to the rather hard blow but I straighten myself and feel the anger burning in my veins.

Lunging, I throw a right hook against the side of Alex's face and I see him stumble slightly. My hand throbs as I slam another punch against his face as I feel my judgement clouded by the anger and adrenaline. I didn't care though as all I could feel is the everlasting pain of losing someone I loved most. Her brother was the damn reason.

Alex blocks my punch with his arm as he pushes me back and throws another punch. It all happened all too fast as one second he was punching me and the next I'm sitting on top of him as my fists slam over and over again with such rage and intensity in them.

He pushes me off him and actually smiles with a bloody nose and lip. "Are you angry because Star doesn't f*cken love you?" He smirks as he slowly stands from the ground. My jaw ticks as I grab his collar and glare. "Mad about how she chose her brother instead of you? I guess things never change," he smirks.

I push him harshly and narrow my eyes. "Well, one thing has changed. Would she be sleeping with the enemy if she so happened to choose you?" I ask as I slightly smirk. I know Star wouldn't leave me—I'm certain of it. Why else would she be sleeping with me?

"She what?" He growls as he takes a step forward with anger burning within his eyes.

"You heard me. Don't you ever think you have the upper hand over me, Alex. That woman is mine and only mine," I snarl as I grab his collar and stare into his eyes.

"You obviously don't know her enough, Styles. Star knows that family is always above love—she isn't like you," he snaps as he pushes me away and spits on the ground in front of me. "Don't you think you have the power when you clearly don't know her," he snarls.

"Break it up, men,"  another voice interrupts. I turn around and see a man in uniform and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Styles, come with me—you're free to go," he voices as he nods over to the door without another thought.

"What? Did Jeff bail me out?" I question.

"That information is confidential. Come with me," he snaps as he ushers me away. I turn my back on Alex but not before I glance back with one final look. His eyes narrow as he glares with such intensity but I don't care anymore.

"Don't think this is over, Styles."

(Hey lovelies! What'd you think?)

~Love, Natalie

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