Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I love you, Harry, to the stars and back,"

Heart beating, hands sweating, breathing fast. The urge to just announce what I'm feeling came all of a sudden when I heard how Harry really felt about me-about how bad I treated him in the past few weeks. The feeling of fear just took control and I pushed him away.

Staring into his drunken pale green eyes, I see a broken and shattered young man who desperately wanted to be loved. I see someone who loved so fiercely that he got torn into small pieces and shattered. I realise that he's a dance floor-broken into pieces but he shined his way through when the music flowed through his blood stream.

"You...what?" He stumbles over his words. He blinks frantically and wipes his eyes like it's a dream but I sure knew it wasn't because I did love him-I do. "You're just a dream. Starlette would never do this," he whimpers as he leans back onto his couch and hugs his knees to his chest. He rocks back and forth as he mumbles some lines of words and I realise he's still drunk and I knew what I had to do.


Harry Styles

In the soft white-gold light of the day, the hues of my bedroom move from impressionist pastels to brilliant pop art. My eyes flutter open to see my vibrant walls glow against the sun's rays of light and I feel the throbbing pain within my head. I turn over to see a glass of water and some Advil on my bed side table. Swallowing them, I lean back onto my bed and groan from the intense pain throbbing.

"I love you, Harry, to the stars and back,"

That line. Where did I hear it before? Out of all my events of the night, I clearly remember the line that sucked the wind from my lungs. I remember those words that left me breathless and aching to hear the words again and again but what if it was all a dream? A dream that I so desperately had because I wanted it? Could it really be a dream, or could it not?

But what really catches me off guard is when I feel a pair of legs kick mine gently. My eyes snap onto someone beside me and I realise it's Starlette. With her watermelon Pjs, chestnut curls all messed up and soft snores escaping her full pink lips, I realise this isn't a dream and it's all real. My eyes widen as I stumble back off the bed with a thud.

"Harry?" Her voice echoes in my ears. She leans down over the side of the bed and sees me splayed against the floor with wide eyes. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need an ambulance?" She rambles with urgency laced within her soft voice and I shake my head. "Let me help you," she continues as she jumps off the bed and grabs my arms gently.

Standing up, I take a step back bewildered. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"Harry, please listen to me-"

"I've had enough listening, Starlette. I don't know what twisted game you're playing but I don't want to be apart of it, okay?" I snap.

"I love you, Harry, to the stars and back," she pleads as her mesmerising eyes stare into mine. With wide eyes and mouth agape, I take a step back as I realise I wasn't dreaming at all. Starlette had really said those words in real life, or was this another dream again? "Please, just give me another chance," she asks with her eyebrows furrowed.

"But, how do I know to trust you again?" I whisper as my head hangs down low.

"You don't know but I can earn it. I'll do whatever to fix my mistakes and I'll even take all the risks against my family and friends for you," she pleads as she forces me to look at her.

With the fear behind her eyes, for once in my life I truly felt like she meant all those words. "Starlette, you once said you could never go against your family and friends for me, what changed?" I whisper as I feel my heart break.

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