Chapter Twenty-Two

26 5 14

Harry Styles

It's pitch black.

I can't see where I am or who I'm with. The screams echo in my ears but where ever I look, it's just night black. I can't feel the microphone that was in my hands or see my band around me. The last words I made out from Starlette was 'I'm sorry' so I know she's behind this all again.

What I didn't understand is why. Was all my feelings so meaningless to her that she continued with her scheming and revenge? All I know is that I'm so blinded by love that I didn't take in consideration of the safety of my fans—in fact, she wanted me to do this all.

Abruptly, I hear a loud switch in the background and I turn to meet the eyes of the devil. Her curls have become even more wild as the lipstick smears against her cheek. I see Mitch on the chair with his hands tied behind him and I realise he's unconscious. Her three bestfriends stand on either side of Mitch and Starlette and I know this is part of their revenge.

The spotlight remains on them as everything around me is complete black. All I know is that Starlette has come back for more and she's using Mitch for bait. I also know her true feelings by her actions she's committing. Her sapphire-lit irises stare me down as a wicked smirk snakes it's way onto her crimson lips.

"I'm back," she sings into a microphone. "So watch your back, Styles," she smiles—and not the kind with love and innocence like before but with pure anger and evil burning behind. I feel my heart beat wildly within my chest as my chest rises and falls in complete fear.

"Starlette, let him go now," I sneer into the microphone and my voice echoes through the arena. She cocks an eyebrow as she stares me down and I know for a fact she isn't backing down just yet. She definitely has some type of scheme up her sleeve and I need to stop her.

"I'm disappointed in you, Styles. The fact that you were so blinded by your love, you forgot about the closest people to you and what kind of revenge I can hold against you. So I'll repeat myself once more—whatever you thought we had was nothing," she snarls as tightly holds the microphone to her lips.

"So the sex was meaningless? And you stalking me when I was with Rosalie? It clearly seemed like there was something more to it," I snap as I narrow my eyes to slits. I see her bestfriends look over to her with bewildered expressions and I actually smirk in victory.

"That was all apart of the game, Styles. If I make you believe I love you, it will always hurt more and that's when the revenge counts," she quickly states with a glint of mischievousness in her eyes. But with those words, I feel my heart drop and stomach churn in burning anger.

"But we-"

"There's no 'we', Styles and there will never be," she snaps as she takes a step forward. "It's just a game," she slowly says as she eyes me with burning anger—but it didn't feel like a game. It felt more like love and...was it really a game? Was all these feelings nothing more than my imagination? But what really cuts me is how true some of her words are—how it always hurts more when you believe in love.

"If it's just a game, then you can forget about me. I'm done," I snap. With that, I see five security guards rush to where they are and hold each of them hostage. One other grabs Mitch and hauls him off to the emergency room and I sigh in relief but it didn't feel over just yet. I didn't have the power to let go but did I really have a choice?

I see Starlette struggle against the grip of the man but he manages to haul her off. With the burning anger bubbling within my soul, I turn away so I didn't have to see such a sight. Even though I wished to let it end, could I really? With every kiss and touch we shared, I couldn't just let something so special go.

Turning to the audience, I see them shouting at one another while others cry with tears. My heart churns to the fact that this show that I thought would be so good turned so bad. I wanted to give them such a show but instead it was ruined by some sort of revenge. But I mean, couldn't I still make it better? We still had the night ahead of us so by taking the moment, I grab the microphone and smile.

"Everyone, please calm down. I'm so sorry about that but we still have the night so let's get into it!" I shout into the microphone and start to sing the lyrics of 'Kiwi'. With every lyric that falls from my lips, I couldn't help but think about how Starlette struggled against the grip of that man or how deep her words cut through my heart. I hated how much of an effect she had over me.

The crowd screeches the lyrics as my band loudly plays the beat and melody of the song. The lights flash with all sorts of colours and I feel the rush and adrenaline in my veins. Even though Starlette ruined my moment, I knew for a fact that I could always do more concerts but for my fans, it's usually a once in a lifetime experience so I had to make it count for them.

Ending my song, I take in a deep breath and wipe the excess sweat off my forehead. I stand in front of the crowd as I smell the sweat and happiness from the audience and raise my hands as I hear the people shout my name—they loved me unlike Starlette. My hands raise in the air as I absorb the feeling of pure happiness and dreams that I accomplished.

I turn my back and make my way off the stage without a glance back—I had enough. All I wanted was to sit in tub with steaming hot water and soft music streaming in my ears. I wanted to cry all my emotions out because the media never lets you cry. If they do, they make you out to be weak which I know I am.

All the thoughts cloud my mind as I think about every little detail of the night. From the events with Starlette to the praises of the crowd, it surely was not that different—in fact, it reminded me of the first night I met her. I remembered every detail of how I met that woman with the electrifying blue eyes and the woman who loved to make dramatic scenes.

I walk through the hallway, ignoring all the signs and saunter into my changing room. However, what really catches me off guard is the same sapphire-lit irises that captivated my heart from the beginning staring right into my soul. A frown tightens against her lips and she intertwines her hands together. With my mind blank and heart dropping, I try to find a reasoning why she came back for me.

"Can we talk?"

(Hey lovelies! What'd you think?)

~Love, Natalie

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