Just Us - 35

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(Hurt/Comfort NSFW, you've been warned >:3)

Albedo is a consistent worker, he has always stuck by a schedule. Every little part of his day was organized and meticulously placed to optimize his day. But he's felt like there had been no order to his life in the recent days. His anxiety of his appearance had been eating him alive, he dared not to come out of the house.

So Kaeya took it upon himself, going out and notifying Jean that the Alchemist wouldn't be venturing to Dragonspine for the time being. She immediately agreed, the best course of action is keeping him away from the public eye.

But there was a shift in mood from all the knights, especially Sucrose. Kaeya told her about the situation and she was a bit nervous, more so that most of Albedo's responsibilities were going to be put onto her. She was immediately put off, as she knew this was Albedo's passion. But Kaeya insisted she was the best candidate.

She sighed, "Is Mr. Albedo doing alright?"

Kaeya pursed his lips, he couldn't even look her in the eyes.

Because he was not alright. The two men don't talk to each other about how bad it had been getting. Albedo is much more quiet than he had ever been. He stares at himself in the mirror for minutes on end, Kaeya has to pull him away from his own reflection.

Albedo can barely eat, his hair getting in his face as he stares at his untouched food. It's awful, Kaeya hates seeing him this way.

"He's doing alright."

Lies. All fucking lies.

She nods and makes her way back to the laboratory. So the Captain makes his way back to the house to do some paperwork and check up on Albedo.

He gets there fairly quickly, picking up some paperwork from the library beforehand that Lisa put behind for him. Albedo was sitting at the desk, almost lifeless because he wasn't doing anything but sitting. "Hey, do you want me to cook something for you?" Kaeya takes off his shoes and cloak at the door.

Albedo tilts his head to the side but looks back at the desk, saying nothing at all.

Kaeya frowns, walking over to him. "My prince, what's wrong?"

Albedo looks up at him, he looks so tired.

"Why do I even try anymore Kaeya."

Kaeya stands there, not being able to respond to something like that, "What..."

"Look at me! I thought I would have time, more time. No, what am I thinking, I've never had enough time. I can't keep doing this, trying to find a cure. It's hopeless Kaeya."

The Captain can't believe what he's hearing, this person doesn't even sound like the one who's been with him the nights before.

"What the hell are you talking about? You aren't giving up now, you made a promise-"

"To hell with promises!" Albedo is agitated, gripping his pen with a force of a hundred men. It ultimately snaps in half.

Kaeya doesn't back away, his hand caressing Albedo's. "No, you fulfill your promises. To Klee, to me. Don't give up now, please."

"I've made so many promises in my life Kaeya, don't you think I'm tired? Everyone disappears one way or another. My Master left, made me promise to find the truth to this world and such. It's white noise, all I can see is the inevitable of my fall. How am I supposed to live when I look like this?!"

It's silent, uncomfortably so.


"STOP IT!" Albedo hits his hand away, his eyes red, almost malicious.

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