Nightmares - 19

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Kaeya is in a bit of a dilemma. For one he cannot, for the life of him, stop thinking about the blonde Alchemist. He plagues his thoughts and seeps into his dreams.

But other than the beautiful prince, he has nightmares. It's not as if what transpired in Dragonspine was lost to him. He had never experienced something as intense as the fateful day of his visit. Every single moment that he doesn't think of Albedo, the cold waters of the lake is what overtakes his thoughts.

Albedo had to leave Mondstadt, as he had been away from his workplace in Dragonspine for far too long. Kaeya desperately wanted to stop him, it's irrational as it's literally where the Alchemist works but it was an impulsive feeling.

Albedo reassured he wouldn't be gone for long but the Captain knows better. The Alchemist rarely visits Mondstadt when he's set his mind on working. He had said his goodbyes and asked Kaeya to watch Klee for him.

The Captain thought up all the excuses in his own mind, all the ways to stop Albedo from leaving. From leaving him alone.

Kaeya retracts within himself, cooped up in his room. He had been depending on the Alchemist for comfort for the past couple of days, now the loneliness is eating him alive.

But the mysterious Cavalry Captain does not depend on others. It's what he's known for, he does things independently.

But with these nightmares that occur over and over again, they are chipping away at him day by day. It's the same thing that repeats with no end.

The cold and freezing water so vivid in his mind, it's as if he's reliving it. Diluc screaming at him but he can't hear what he's saying. Crying, calling out, burning. The fire flames burn his skin and he can't stop crying.

The sword so close to slicing him open. But something stands in front of Diluc's blade. A blade full of anger and hate, malice and revenge.

It's the Alchemist.

This wasn't in his nightmares before. Why was he here?

Albedo leaning back to smile at Kaeya. "Wake up." Blood dribbling down his mouth and eyes, perishing into the Mondstadt wind.

Kaeya reaches out trying to grab onto him, but nothing. He's gone.

Kaeya wakes up in a cold sweat. Low and soft sobs escape him as he's alone in his little room. Clinging onto his thin blanket, the full moon shining through his window.

Maybe dreaming of Albedo is the last thing he should do.


"Mister Kaeya doesn't look so good," Klee mutters. Her legs dangling off of a library chair that's clearly too tall for her. Lisa, leaning on the table, pouts and ponders.

"It seems he hasn't been getting much sleep."

Klee nods, both looking at the Captain who needed a book or two to research on. His eye has a dark eye bag under it, his hair is disheveled and he looks terrible.

"Maybe he might feel better if I take him fish blasting!" Klee suggests, her smile fractures slightly when she sees Lisa shake her head.

"It seems he needs time alone little one. I don't think we should bother him." She ruffles the little girl's hair and walks away back to her desk.

Klee looks on at Kaeya once more, he is stumbling and drops a couple of books. It's as if he isn't even aware of what he's doing.

"If only Albedo were here," she mumbles to herself.

Kaeya meanwhile leaves the library, cursing as he almost trips. He hadn't slept the previous night. His eyes feel like they're burning from sobbing as much as he did. So many bad memories erupting once more, along with his newly found feelings. He can't handle the emotional toll that it takes on him.

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