Filthy Dreams - 20

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(NSFW.... It's in the title, enjoy!! ٩( )و )

The moon is bright and high over Dragonspine. Albedo, admittedly, has not been getting as much work done as he usually does. He's been distracted to say the least.

When he has found comfort in the cold mountain, that feeling isn't there anymore. He can't pinpoint exactly why he feels this way. Or maybe he can, he just can't seem to admit it to himself.

He is completely and utterly captured by the Captain. His heart is taken by the hands of Kaeya, and in some way it's a familiar kind of coldness. But it's also a completely new warm feeling.

He wouldn't say he's in love but he's never been in love before. He's never understood love in that aspect. Only familial love is known to him. Humans are interesting but he never had interest in the aspect of love affairs.

Not until now.

He works well into the night, his usual studies and alchemy experiments. Painting and sketching all that he can until he feels his wrist starting to hurt. He tends to overwork himself and sometimes he never knows when to stop.

But recently, when he feels too tired to pick up his pencil, he picks up books about love. It's subconscious, telling himself he's just doing it to pass the time.

The book that Xinqiu had worked on in Liyue was also a novel that versed in the aspect of romance. The Alchemist helped illustrate the book but never found the time to thoroughly read it.

So as the cold days went on, he found himself finishing the books that he never found time for. They were interesting, some better than most. A key detail in all of them caught his attention though, many people in love can befall to tragedy.

He's seen it countless of times, and it seems as if his life is no different to theirs.

He gets up, washing the paint that had gotten on his hands. He had been reading for so many hours that he had forgotten to clean up his workplace. He hasn't been his usual self.

The Alchemist can only sigh and hope he'd be more productive the next day. He stacks the books into a box and heads inside the cave, closing it off to preserve warmth.

A bed, made out of alchemy, far more comfortable than the rocky cave. A little pond inside of the cave for water, since he uses it for his alchemy and drinking, which also serves as a mirror.

He slips off his coat and button up to reveal his shoulders. The one night of passion that he'd had with Kaeya was incredible. He can't doubt the skill of the Captain, along with the way he knows to make him gasp and squirm.

Albedo blushes a little at his neck, the mark is faint but still lingers. But he's quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he turns around to find dark markings in his back.

It's not ones that anyone has made. It looks like the sword that he had gifted the Traveler, Festering Desire. The markings of a purple eye is slowly being drawn on his body. He feels himself panicking, the days are thinning and he doesn't know how much longer he can delay the inevitable.

He doesn't want to lose himself, even though he has known from the beginning of his fate of doom. So he puts his button up back on, glad that Kaeya had not seen any markings during their one night stand.

Albedo will not let him find out, if he does then maybe Kaeya will never forgive him.


It's warm, a feeling that he only ever feels around the famous Captain of the Knights.

No doubt, Albedo could probably recognize him by touch and smell. His hair falling ever so slightly in his face, and the way he leaves soft kisses on his neck - stomach - chest.

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