Traveler's Advice - 15

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The Cathedral is not a place Kaeya usually visits. He isn't very fond of the church, which is the nicest way to say it. He wouldn't ever elaborate why exactly but no one ever questions one's faith, everyone just assumes you believe in Lord Barbatos. He cracks open the big doors and sure enough, he can hear the choir and Barbra at the forefront.

She's the most devout believer in Barbatos, it makes Kaeya chuckle. To have complete faith in a God is something he could never comprehend. As he walks down the long hall he hears whispers coming from the far corner of the Cathedral. Sure enough, he sees Rosaria but she's talking to someone.

The Traveler and Paimon.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asks with a smirk on his face. He always felt at ease with the Traveler, maybe not Paimon but the flying companion isn't so bad.

Paimon vigorously shakes her head and immediately starts going on about what they were talking about. "I didn't need to know," he laughs, "I was just gonna have a chat with Rosaria here."

Rosaria looks at him with her eyebrow raised, looking him up and down and questioning as to why he would seek her out. "Well Kaeya, if you were listening, I need to go. It's an emergency. We can talk later if you want but Dragonspine seems to have an alarming amount of fatui swarming the premise."

He sighs and places a hand on his hip, "Always busy are you?"

Paimon giggles at that, "We haven't seen you for a week! Seems like you've been lazying around. Kind of like the tone-deaf bard!"

Kaeya groans, "Traveler, are you going to let Paimon continue to abuse me like this?"

"It's Paimon being Paimon, you're lucky you don't have to travel with her everywhere you go." They have a small smile on their face.

"Hey! You're lucky you get to travel with me!" Paimon protests.

Rosaria clicks her tongue, "Hey, I have to get going now. If you want, you can talk with the Traveler." She bids her farewell as she walks out, twirling her dagger on her finger as she leaves.

"The one time I needed to talk to her," he pouts, sitting on one of the church benches. The Traveler sits beside him and stares up at the stained glass ceiling.

"Do you believe in fate Kaeya?" the Traveler asks.

Odd question and the Captain hasn't ever questioned fate if it exists or not. "Do you?" He counters, obviously not knowing how to answer.

They sit back and smile, "I do, but at the same time fate is what we make of it. The universe is mysterious in those ways. Like people, complicated but easy to read."

"Some more complicated than others," Kaeya scoffs. The Traveler shrugs, "It may seem that way to you but it may be simpler than you think. Everyone is afraid of something, losing something or someone."

Paimon floats around, not too interested in whatever conversation her companion is having with Kaeya.

"Maybe..." he leans on the bench, legs crossed, "There's just so much to lose."

There is silence. The choir quieting down and only Paimon floating about, giggling here and there.

"What if it doesn't have to be that way." The Traveler starts.

Kaeya gives them a questioning expression, "How so?" He asks to encourage them to continue.

"Sure, losing something isn't the ideal way to go about life but if you don't then you stay stagnant. Everyone moves with time but you stay where you are. You'll miss out on the wonders of the world. If not the world, then the person who makes your world." They get up then, walking into the middle of the Cathedral.

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