The Winds Are Calm - 28

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The sun rays shine through the window, Kaeya groans at the sudden blinding light. He slowly gets up, wincing as his feet touch the floor. His back hurts like nothing else but it's the afterglow of what had happened the night before. He wouldn't trade it for the world.

He pushes open the window slightly to let the summer breeze in, he breathes in the fresh air and he feels so much more at ease.

"Kaeya?" A groan is heard from the bed. Albedo rubs his eyes and adjusts his eyes to the light as well.

Kaeya hadn't realized that Albedo wasn't wearing any clothes until this moment. "I guess you didn't put anything on the night before," the Captain chuckled. He moves over to the bed and brushes his blonde strands of hair back. "I wish this moment could last forever," Kaeya whispers.

Albedo relishes in the touch and smiles softly, "It will be cemented in my memory, worry not."

"Oh I'm sure it will, your body is practically covered in it."

Albedo jerks his head down and is surprised to see his neck, chest and thighs covered in hickeys. "By the Archons, I look like I've gotten a disease," Albedo lightly touches the bruises scattered across his skin.

"Well hey now! Don't be so crass about it, I think they look lovely on you. You just don't appreciate my artistic endeavors," Kaeya crosses his arms, his expression is a playful hurtful look.

Albedo raises his eyebrows, "Uhuh... well I'm not too upset about it, since I was able to get to you as well." Kaeya looks down as well, his chest having the most hickeys. "You seem to like a certain spot your highness~"

"I haven't a clue what you are talking about," Albedo looks away from him but he's smirking.

Kaeya shakes his head but his heart does not waver, "That was probably the best sex I've had since who knows when." He sneaks a kiss on the nape of the Alchemist's neck.

"Well, being a genius has its perks," Albedo goes to stand but almost stumbles over. Kaeya catching him swiftly, "Hey now, I don't want you to fall for me all over again." He winks at him but the eye patch doesn't do him justice, so it just appears he's closing his eyes.

Albedo has to chuckle a little, "You really are something." His hands travel through his long, dark blue hair - weaving his hands through it and kissing Kaeya.

"And you love it," Kaeya's smug expression is so obvious on his face.

"I do."

Kaeya cannot get enough of Albedo's voice. The way it's so quiet and mysterious, it's like Celestia to his ears. Like unheard blessings from the gods but this time it's no god, but a man beyond this world. A prince in the shining stars. It makes life worth living.

Life is scary, what is to come is a question neither of them know. Albedo turns his body and it takes everything out of Kaeya not to gasp. The purple markings are further down Albedo's body, they are darker, spreading to his thighs and arms.

Albedo quickly grabs the blanket and covers himself but it's no use. It was nothing to that extent the night before. Kaeya only caught some glimpses but he was so caught up in their passionate endeavors that he paid them little attention. But now, it's almost too noticeable.

"Hey, it's okay," he tries to console him. Albedo is still huddled up, almost shaking. The drastic comparison in mood and emotion is a little jarring for Kaeya and making the Alchemist uncomfortable is the last thing he wants.

Kaeya cups Albedo's face, his cheeks are so soft he can't help but kiss them. "You'll be okay, I'm here," Kaeya softly whispers.

"I just, I don't want you to see this. I don't want you to worry about it but... I don't know what to do."

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