Chapter 20: Second Attempt

ابدأ من البداية

I said trying to sound as calm as I could

"Are, you okay?"

"Yes, Karl I'm fine"

He let go of my wrists and backed up.

"Are you sure, cause you seemed very distracted at lunch"

Karl said looking away from me for a second

"Oh, that. That was nothing, I'm just tired"

"That's all?"

"Yes, I promise"

I spoke as if it were nothing

"Sorry for dragging you back here then"

"Don't apologize, this way I know you worry about me. It's cute"

Karl's face burned a little bit and he looked down at his feet sorry.

The part of my second just came out, I didn't even realize I said until I said it.

Karl looked back at me.

"Sap, you know the party?"

He had a glint of hope in his eyes that died as soon as I replied.

"Yeah, what about it"

His expression saddened a bit.

"Nevermind, we get back to the table"

"Oh, alright. Let's go"

We turned to leave Karl was walking in front of me.

But, I stopped

Memories from the party that I barely remember flooded my mind.

It started with both of Georges's dares.

The 7 minutes in heaven with Dream.

Then with Lukas.

Karl's dare with me.

Then what came next surprised me.

I had no clue how much confidence alcohol could give you.


Karl POV:

I was almost out of the emptied hall when he called me back.

"Wait, for me"

Stopping I turned back around to see he hasn't moved and that he's just staring blankly at the wall in front of me.

"Are you coming or not"

He slowly walked in my direction looking just as distracted if not more distracted than before. He didn't say anything as we exited the hall.

We made it into one of the busier hallways and he still wasn't saying anything

I was starting to get worried again

I nudged his shoulder he didn't do anything.

I then poked him, he still didn't acknowledge it.

He almost looked as if he just saw a ghost, but at the same time he looks like he's trying to figure something.

This was now starting to bother me even more because he just said he was fine.

My worries got the most of me.

I pulled him into a closet before we got to the lunchroom.

It was a little dim in the closet due to one of the light bulbs being broken.

Notes with a smile on it // dnfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن