Quarterfinal Entries: Upiland

47 3 6

Joules Mordain

Song: 715/Creeks - Nor'Easters

A lone creek cut through a small clearing in the Amanthean forest. The moon danced on the rippling water as it snaked around the rocks scattered throughout. Frogs and crickets made a gentle melody to compliment the creek's soft babbling. Herons were sent flying as a tired and feverish Joules stumbled out from the treeline. He collapsed to his knees on the muddy bank, panting and grasping at his chest that felt like it was on fire.

Clouds slowly rolled across the sky, blocking the moonlight to reveal glowing moss of all colors; even the frogs began to glow. Rain slowly dripped down from the sky as Joules laid down in exhaustion, watching as the tiny drops created ripples in the roiling water. His exhausted brain was plunged into the cold water, swallowed up by memories long suppressed and forgotten.

He was five again. The woods melted in the rain to become a sun-touched hill covered in blue-green grass. Rain clouds morphed into white wisps painted in golds and pinks and purples by the moon, which warped to become the setting sun. Frogs transformed into fireflies. A village sprang up, dressed in silks of blues and greens and yellows. Joules was home. The songs of the wild transitioned into excited chatter. Wet, muddy scents changed to enchanting aromas of gumbo and roasted pig. The early evening breeze cooled his burning skin. That Midsummer day had all come crashing back.

"So here's where you ran off too," called his mother's familiar voice. Her curly red hair framed her stern face, green eyes harsh with worry.

Joules sat up and gave her his signature sheepish smile, one that almost got him out of trouble. Almost.

"Yes, yes. You're too cute for your own good," Amara clucked her tongue and lifted her small, mute son into her strong arms, propping him on her hip. "Come on, little rabbit. It's time you join the fun, and I know you wouldn't miss Madame Moira's roast pig for anything in the world." She lightly poked Joules's stomach as they headed back to the village.

The village center was aflame with energy. Old and young, human and non-human, all excitedly rushing to and fro, adding finishing touches to everything. They collected logs and fallen branches to fuel the bonfire, which smelled of sweet cherries. Other parents were wrangling the children together and guiding them towards the festivities. Then, finally, a carriage draped in pink and orange fabrics waved in the light breeze, from which stepped out a family of bards.

Joules' mother gave them a warm smile as they approached the family. She set Joules down, who promptly hid behind her slightly.

"Oh, Joules. Come out. We have to be polite, remember?" She lightly patted his head, trying to encourage him.

"It's alright, ma'am. We're just glad we could make it back in time for the festivities," spoke the father. A tall, blond tiefling with horns that spiraled towards the sky. "Our son, Quinlan, has yet to see a Haven's Meadow Midsummer festival." He brought forth a young tiefling boy with the nubby start of horns, pastel pink skin, and blond hair. He, too, had been hiding his mother.

Joules peeked out from behind his mom, and his eyes widened when he saw the boy. Once again, he plunged into the swirling abyss. Everything but Quinlan washed away again. Lighthearted chatter became a haunting song that engulfed his senses. Days, weeks, months, years swam by in a blink. A whirlpool that spun Joules and Quinlan around, aging them from small boys into young teens.

Author Games: Dawn of Nameless DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now