CHAMPION OF UNKNOWN: Eryhissa Stoneheart - @agailwrites

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NAME: Eryhissa Stoneheart

AGE: 25

RACE: Half Aasimar Half Warforged

ALIGNMENT: Neutral good

PERSONALITY: Ery is quiet among strangers and jovial among friends. Because of the way she treats everyone with respect and is never afraid to get her hands dirty despite her tragically striking looks she is often lauded as a royal in disguise. She is loyal to a fault but had a very well developed moral compass, she doesn't trust much people but the people she cares about she will gladly die for. She is empathic and this ability has helped her to navigate other people, she doesn't waste time in vain relationships and is very blunt.

APPEARANCE: Her two races have together to give her quite the unique look. She has silvery gray pupils set in black eyes. Skin is not stone or metal of Warforged. Her skin is tougher than most, leathery in feel some might say but very resilient. The color of dark burnished oak with golden brown where her warforged limbs are joined. Hair is Golden and tawny like a lion's mane. Has feather Tufts on her shoulders and the rune of truth, carried by all warforged, on her forehead.

BRIEFEST BACKSTORY: Ery was a war orphan taken by a dark priest and his followers and used for dark occultic experiments. One of which merged the Aasimar form she was born with and a warforged form. She spent six horrible years with these people until her magic comes to life on her fourteenth birthday and she goes berserk, killing everyone including her only friend Taju. The guilt has been with her since. She was rescued by travelling Warforged who noticed the burning temple in time to save her. She was raised by Elof Stoneheart, and joined his band of honorable mecenaries where she excersised her warforged fighting skills.

WEAPONS/SKILLS: Ery has superior strength and can handle large broad swords well in battle. She carried several blades and also loves a good bow. She is a fiend with a shield and short sword. Her smaller weight makes her the fastest warforged she knows, She uses divine magic and can see in the dark. She is immune to acid, extreme cold and electrical charges. Can cast magical light. She had a warrior berserk stage where she becomes and unstoppable killing machine, she enters this state at moments of great upheaval to those she cares about. ANYTHING INTERESTING: Ery is the only one of her kind, no other records exist of another being of both Aasimar and warforged traits. She is also the only warforged with the ability to procreate although she has no interest in trying this out.

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