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Long ago...

on the vast continent of Hiudrall...

five countries prepare not for war...

but rather for a time of peace.

Tranquility will soon be restored.


Every 200 years, the rulers of all five countries of Hiudrall select four champions to represent them in the Tournament of the Godchosen. Each party of four must face a harrowing journey across all the lands of Hiudrall, and the first party to successfully reach the end of the tournament will have won not just for their party, but for their country.

And, as reward for each victor of the surviving party, the granting of a wish. Whatever they desire most in all the world shall be theirs to claim by the power of the Gods themselves.

This wish granted to the winner is known as the Wish of Tranquility. The country that obtains this wish shall be the one to flourish most during this time of peace.

Be warned, however: Not all challenges faced are what they seem.

Those chosen by the Gods must find the strength to choose themselves, and their country, before all else.

Welcome to the Dawn of Nameless Desires.

Choosing ceremony to occur 8/30/2021.

-PEC, and esteemed guest Rappy

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