UPILANDE KING: George Wilson Throughbush IV

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George Wilson Throughbush IV

Age: 30

Succeeder to: George Wilson Throughbush I

King of: Upiland

Personality: A natural trueborn king, George Wilson Throughbush took over the throne from his grandfather at age 25. This king negotiated the country out of a war with Trokya and into a timid area of peace. He is often found at home, writing in a journal. This king is soft-spoken but firm. It is suspected his gentle nature comes from his small demeanor. He enjoys a good hearty meal and enough beer to keep a kingdom running.

Wish: For a child.



This is the perfect utopia--peaceful farmers, gentle city folk, and mild-mannered citizens all around. Easy to trade with. Not the richest place, so it's cheap for travel. Owning land here is a must. The weather is never bad in Upiland. There are a multitude of races that live in Upiland, though none so unpleasant as others might say. The main races you'll find are halflings, half-elves, and humans, though that's not to say that's all they'd allow to live there. Nor any they'd be able to disallow, as some might insist.

 Nor any they'd be able to disallow, as some might insist

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