Task One: Scores

196 11 5

Overall, we were quite impressed with everyone this round.

If anyone wants longer notes, or did not receive notes from Task Zero and had requested it, please pm the account and we'll get right on it. Please bear with us if it takes a moment, and if that moment takes longer than a day, send us another message. We really appreciate everyone's patience and support for everyone so far!

As far as formatting on the entries received: Due to everyone turning in in various fonts/sizes, the italics and spacing did not update perfectly for everyone. We do our best to monitor this but it is not an easy task to update everyone's entry individually. 

Wattpad default font and size is Source Sans Pro, size 13.5. It's easiest if you turn in your entry in this font/size as the spacing turns out better. We will monitor the entries italics as best we can.


Joules Mordain - 10.9+1 = 11.9

While your score may not reflect it, we see a lot of potential here for growth. You started off your entry strong, but we lacked some of that creativeness we'd had in task zero. We would love to see you expand beyond just the task itself and into more of your own story here. We see some great character from Joules, and some great backstory, and know there are some amazing things to come.

Raimi Enan - 12.5+1 =13.5

There's something beautiful about bardic characters. You took some unique choices with yours and it is interesting to see a character who feels the need to consider every decision, every person involved, before making their own. We'd love to see how you balance this with tasks and how this character grows. 

Devron Linster - = 11

You certainly have a lot of creativity! We loved all the DnD references and how you portrayed both Devron and all others included in your entry. While your creativity was strong in-entry, it was hard to read in a few places and lacked a bit in the grammatical department. This is, overall, a very promising character. We are interested in seeing what more is to come.

Nareza 'Reza' Venn - 11.6+1 = 12.6

We would have loved to see more of your creative side in this entry. However, your character remains pretty strong. While your entry was short and concise, we were left with an overall feeling of satisfaction. You met all task requirements, but you could have branched out more. We are intrigued with what you've built so far and are hoping that there is more to come for this Reza Venn.


Twyla - 14.5+1 = 15.5

It's not everyday one reads an entry by a character and thinks: "Oh. Wow." You managed that. We saw some great things in this entry, and we're impressed. Can you keep it up? What more is there to this mysterious figure that is Twyla?

Quinlan Amanzi - 14.7+1 = 15.7

This was, once again, a strong pursuit from Gharia. Quinlan has such a vivid character and the writing only helped bring this out to life. We were very impressed. However, as with Twyla above, we cannot help but wonder: Will you be able to keep this up? And what else lies in store for Quinlan Amanzi?

Josepheline Ksanyu - 13.6+1 = 14.6

Quite possibly the most chaotic, creative, and shocking entry. Ending with a cliffhanger, you manage to have even us judges wanting to reread to see if we missed something. What's next? We would have loved if some things were made clearer in entry. While Josepheline teeters the balance between realistic and comical, what will she find that lies on the other side?

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