CHAMPION OF AMANTHE: Terran Adamar - @aceh3x

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Name: Terran Adamar

Age: 73

Race: Elf

Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality: Elves are rarely not known for their beauty. There is something in the length of their legs, the sway in which they walk. There is an undeniable attraction that forms from the light radiating from their skin. The downside is that most are often cold, inside and out. Just as they radiate light, they tend to radiate hate, exclusivity and a rudeness that runs off them in waves for anyone other than their own kind. But just as there are stereotypes, there are those outside the mold. Terran knows of this harshness, but never partakes. He tends to find more joy outside of other elves, preferring to offer his warmth to strangers, to extend a hand. His eyes are kind, his smile warm. He's hardly met a man he hasn't liked, or who hasn't liked him in return. There is something about his smile, his laugh, his gentleness that draws others in.

Appearance: Terran carries his family's beauty with him. His face is thin, chiseled and without age. He still looks well into his twenties and not a touch over. Long, silken locks frame his face, which he refuses to cut. By now it falls well below his waist—on the rare occasions when it isn't braided or put up. He sports no elegant clothes, but that has more to do with his job than anything else. No reason to sport a waistcoat when one is trampling through underbrush.

Briefest Backstory: The past is the past, the future is the future; why waste time on everything you can not change and not be in the moment you are living? Terran doesn't tend to dwell on anything aside from what makes him happy. He's spent a great deal of his time around Trokya, Upiland, Amanthe, anywhere where trees and grass are plentiful or the people delightful. He's had more than one home, and while all call to him, he's fairly certain that his heart could never be caged simply by one place.

Weapons/Skills: Proficient in healing and nature magic, he is an excellent healer, and while the wooden staff he carries is more often used as a walking stick, he has been known to use it for combat if need be.

Anything Interesting: If you ever need a guide to take you through the Amanthe forest, or take the shortest path from one kingdom to another, Terran's prices are rather reasonable.

Author Games: Dawn of Nameless DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now