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"Ah, well, I'm not sure I know all that much, but I'll help you as much as I can..."

Name: "He said his name is Teoz, don't know much 'bout a last name but he can't be all that important if he's out here alone."

Age: "Shit. I don't know. Maybe in his mid 20s? With the fur and snout, it's hard to tell."

Race: "To think you would find a Leonin in Hiudrall? Ha! It seems almost comical, let alone it actually being true, but why else would you be asking me, right?"

Alignment: "Ah—shit, what kinda question is that? Look, I mean he may seem fierce, but I've never seen him lunge at someone for no good reason. Man must got some morals. In fact, the other night, you should've seen him. Stepped between me and this drunkard, Gilian. Hell of a big guy too, but that didn't seem to shake Teoz none. I gotta say, seems like somethin' only a real proper gent would do, y'know?"

Personality: "Can't say he's the friendly sort. I offered to buy him a drink after the whole ordeal too, but he turned me down. Can you believe that? Turning down a free pint? Bah, maybe I'm just too easy going like that. Still, it does suit his character. Never seen him talk to anyone else really, or hang out with anyone, or walk with anyone. Damn, I guess when I think about he's really that strong, silent type, huh? Maybe he likes being a loner. Hell if I know."

Appearance: "Tall as shit, but uh, he's not exactly the Leonin I would expect. Everyone describes them as big, broad guys with big manes but Teoz doesn't fit the bill. He's big, sure, but he must not be eating properly. He's not as big as the drawings I've seen. Got that soft looking tawny fur but he's got scars all over the place. Not to mention, he must be into some new hair craze or rubbed someone the wrong way or somethin' cause he's hardly got a mane. It only comes out to about here. More like fuzz than anything really."

Briefest Backstory: "I couldn't tell you shit, honestly. Been here a couple months. Does a lot of odd jobs, but uh, between you and me, I have a buddy whose cousin was in the wars between Sherkgav and Troyka. Said there were Leonin everywhere in Sherkgav and that short sword he's always carrying has the crest of the place and everythin'! Maybe he's a secret royal? That'd be a hell of a story, haha!"

Weapons/Skills: "I hear all them lions have big nasty claws, and he's always carrying that sword, but I can't say I've ever seen him in a fight."

Anything Interesting: I wasn't trying to make a furry, and I haven't. But it kinda feels like I've made a furry.

Author Games: Dawn of Nameless DesiresWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt