CHAMPION OF UPILAND: Joules Mordain - @KaseyisKing

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Name: Joules Mordain

Age: 19

Race: Aasimar

Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality: At first glance Joules can seem a bit hard to read, but once you get to know him you'll realise how gentle he is. He has a tendency to hide his emotions, preferring to come at things from an angle of logic and strategy. If you need someone to listen to your woes Joules is your man, and you can trust that your secrets won't get out.

Appearance: Joules has a more wiry figure as compared to most aasimar. His 5'11 height tends to make people think that he's older than he actually is. He was born with vitiligo, which even affects a small patch of hair right above his left eye. Speaking of which, both eyes are a dark chocolatey brown that you could get lost in.

Briefest Backstory: Usually, Joules can be seen helping with his neighbors' kids, but when he needs to get away from everything he'll be seen working at a potter's wheel. At the age of 7 his mother sent him to live with his uncle as she believed that he needed a male influence, but she couldn't go with him as she was a necessary figure in their community.

Weapons/Skills: Hook swords, pottery, painting

Anything Interesting: Born mute. He gets flashes of possible future moves when in combat, but can't control it.

Task Zero:

Summer. A time for parties, friends, and gatherings around large bonfires. The curling of flames always reminded Joules of his mother who would dance around with the rest of the women from their village. Her dresses flowed and twirled as the warm summer breezes tousled her long rose colored curls. His favorite of these memories was the Midsummer festival of his fifth year.

It was an unusually cool summer. What in the past had been uncomfortable and overbearing, was now gentle and sleepy. The winds but a gentle hand that rustled the blue-green grass and stirred the fireflies that rose up to dance around the small, thin boy watching the sky transition from warm sunset to cool twilight. He could hear the far off excited chatterings of his friends and neighbors as they dressed the village center in silk banners of blues, greens and yellows.

"So here's where you ran off too," called a musical yet harsh voice. One Joules knew well.

His vision was obscured by the figure of his mother, a woman who most would see as intimidating or imposing, but Joules only saw her as his. He sat up and gave her that sheepish smile that almost always got him out of trouble. Almost.

"Yes yes you're too cute for your own good," she clucked her tongue and lifted her mute son into her strong arms, "but now it's time to join the fun, little rabbit. You wouldn't want to miss out on Madame Moira's roast pig now would you?" She gave Joules a poke to the belly as she headed back towards the village center.

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