CHAMPION OF AMANTHE: Touya Watanabe - @Shoemaker-Levy9

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Name: Touya Watanabe

Age: Old but not ancient

Race: Kodama

Alignment: Neutral

Personality: You know that one person in your life who comes and goes, they rarely text you back, and they seem to always be moving on to the next thing, and then the next thing? Well, Touya is that annoying person. It's never intentional, he means well, he really does. But life is an adventure and he's worried that if he stops for something he'll miss out on something life-changing. He's an adventurer, and whether it's yelling at the wind or jumping from tree to tree racing through the forest, he stops for very few things except to maybe drop a peach on someone's head for kicks. Oh, he'll do his job—curse those that cut the peach trees and bless those that water them, but there are places to see and experiences to be had.

Or at least there were until he met him.

Appearance: Nobody really knows what Touya's true form is like—nor any Kodama for that matter—and there is a lot of disagreement among the few that have seen a Kodama outside of its tree. Some say they're nothing but wisps, others say they're ghostlike entities resembling humans, and it's even been said that there is nothing to see, rather, you simply feel a presence. In human form, Touya has chosen the appearance of a generic Asian man in his late 20s. Dark hair, dark eyes, a smile that's polite but not necessarily charming. He tries to blend in with the crowd and for the most part, it seems to work.

Briefest Backstory: As a Kodama belonging to a forest of peach trees, Touya is old by the human metrics for measuring time but young for his race. There are many Kodamas like him scattered throughout many different forests, and they are quite a communal bunch. Touya himself has three other Kodama who live among the peach trees. To his disappointment, he hasn't had many opportunities to leave the forest, though he does have one buddy who used to live in his forest before moving to the dark foreboding forest that nobody visits these days because they kept getting cursed and getting upset by it or something like that. He kind of zoned out when it was explained to him. Nevertheless, as a young Kodama, most of his time has been spent cursing people who try to cut down his tree. It's rather unfortunate, really, because his community's peach trees are considered an "invasive" species in his kingdom, and a lot of people want to cut the trees down. Don't they know peaches symbolize immortality? Ridiculous.

Weapons/Skills: Is having a voice that can echo through the forest a skill? No? How about the ability to curse people and bring imminent misfortune or death upon somebody? Alternatively, he can also empower people through blessings and that could be a skill. He's also really good at communicating with trees and making people hallucinate things happening in the forest like trees bleeding and other shenanigans.

Anything Interesting: He's afraid of moths. 

Author Games: Dawn of Nameless DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now