Her scent grew stronger and i swallowed the howl in my throat. I ran faster until i finally saw two shapes coming up in the distance.  

    Panting, i slowed then stopped when i was on a hill, Avery and Luke below me. My eyes narrowed at the two of them lying side by side, hands intertwined between them as they gazed at the stars.

    I felt the urge to run and demand for Avery to return home but something held me back.

    Avery suddenly laughed, a soft, light sincere laugh that was carefree. I hadn’t heard her this blissful since… when she was a babe, her father still alive.

    My body was tense but i started to relax as i watched them smiling and laughing together. I sat, relaxing completely, unmoving as i watched them. Avery’s eyes shimmered, her smile wide. The male was smiling too, looking at her adoringly. I continued to watch them, watching how he acted around her.

    The more i watched, the more i realized that i liked Luke. He made Avery happy, and that was all that i wanted. Something about him still made me uneasy, but i tried to push those thoughts away. My senses must be betraying me.

    Suddenly something moved besides me and my ears perked, turning sharply to my right, ready to attack. When i saw who it was, i was stunned, my body tense from surprise but it made sense on why my enhanced senses couldn't have heard them before.

    “What is she doing.” Lady Artemis asked lowly, arms crossed as she scowled down at the two. She was in her usual attire as a twelve year old girl with a tunic made of deer skin. Her bow was at her side, her quiver on her back with her hair tied up, her silvery eyes watching Averill and Luke with distaste.

    I bowed to the ground but she shook her head, indicating that there was no need for formalities. “I want to know what she’s doing.” Artemis repeated herself, continuing to glare at Luke and Avery below us.

    My eyes could not meet hers. “She is on a date, my lady. He is courting her.”

    Artemis’ eyes flared as she turned to me sharply. “And you did not stop this?”

    “She is not one to obey my orders, my Lady. There is nothing that i can do to stop it.”

    “Of course there is! Keep him away from my daughter."

     "My Lady, may I speak freely?"

      Her eyes narrowed in curiosity but nodded while I bowed my head in thanks before speaking. "She is happy with him. I don't believe he should be much of your concern. He treats her well."

      Artemis clenched her jaw, her hand tightening on her bow as she turned to glare at the two again. "She doesn't know what's best for her. I do. She will not have her heart broken by any male, nor will he get anywhere near my daughter. You know how I feel about males getting too close to her."

      I couldn't help but change the topic. "Have you told her." I asked softly.

     The Goddess looked at me confused. "Told her what?"

    My throat seemed to close up as I knew I would be overstepping my limits, but it was my job. I was to update her on Averill and how she was. Artemis met up with me every month to see how Avery was, I didn't realize she would come this early.

     "She is bitter towards you." I said quietly. "Perhaps if you told her the truth, that you have protected her in other ways , like from that terrible man by protecting her purify, or telling her how you feel-"

      Rather than getting angry, like I thought she would, Artemis sighed. Loosening the grip on her bow. Her sigh was sorrowful. "You know I cannot. I have already disobeyed the council by seeing her, and by claiming her, I cannot force my father's hand. He knows of her. The only reason she is not dead is because he is waiting for a verdict from the council which I fear is soon."

      I felt my tail droop in sadness as I turned to look back at Averill who was laughing at something the male had said. "She is having such a hard time Lady Artemis." My gaze was on the two of them, Luke kissing her cheek. "I worry for her."

     "As do I my faithful follower." Artemis replied sadly. "It hurts my heart to see my only daughter, to grow without her mother. But if Zeus sees me interacting with her again, she will be stricken dead on the spot. He will not turn another blind eye to another visit from me."

       "You know best, my Lady." I answered humbly, though I ached as I knew Averill would suffer many more hardships.

      Nearly through with her work, Artemis nodded her head then turned and walked through the woods, while followed at her side.  Once I had updated her on everything that had happened since her last visit, Artemis was silent for a long while.

     "Luna," she finally spoke softly. "I want you to break them up."

     My eyes widened wondering if I heard her right. "My lady?"

    "Break them up." She repeated.

     "I- I don't mean to overstep my boundaries, my lady, but, it- it will crush her."

    A pained look crossed over Artemis' face as she closed her eyes. "You know how I feel about males. This needs to happen for her own good."

     Without stopping myself I blurted, "I refuse."

      The goddess opened her eyes and looked at me with shock. She did not speak which only made me tremor more.

      "Forgive me," I stuttered, "I shouldn't have-"

      "No." Artemis suddenly said harshly, silencing me.

       My ears moved to the back of my head is shame, my tail between my legs with my head bowed and low to the floor, waiting to be punished for disobeying. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for a punishment.

       "No." Artemis repeated lighter. "Don't apologize." She gave a long, deep sigh. "It appears as though you know more about Averill then her own mother." She gave another pained sigh. "I respect your authority, you are one of my most trusted companions, but I caution you. Be wary of him. I sense something in him that I do not like. Before you make a decision on what to think of him, ponder it. Do not let your feelings cloud your senses."

      I bowed lower to the ground. "Yes my lady. Thank you."

      Artemis smiled softly at me. "Thank you, Luna. You are her watcher, her keeper for me and I appreciate that. She trusts you, you are her friend and I shall never be able to repay you for your service. Thank you for loving her as I do."

     On the top of my head, I felt Artemis press her lips to my fur on the crest of my skull before I felt a small breeze. I looked up and she was gone, lost into the moonlight.

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