Chapter 20

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"Just hold on a couple seconds longer." My PT instructed me

I took deep breaths holding on to the pain. These were my last stretches of the day and they hurt so bad, but I act like I'm not in pain so they think it doesn't hurt me anymore. In reality it does, a lot.

She pushes my knee further to my face and then brings it down.

"Okay you're done good job." My PT said smiling at me

I let go of the last breath I was holding and manage to break out a smile.

"Okay sit up and hang your legs off the table and try to bring your leg up remember five times and your done." She instructed me

So I listened and did it five times not to fast so it won't hurt as much. Once I was done I gave her a thumbs up. She laughed and massage my knee a little

"Okay now you're officially done."

I nodded my head.

"So your doctor talk to me about letting you play in your last game which is your senior night I assume?" She asks

I nodded

"Not much of a talker today." She cracked a small smile "Well we talked and we think your ready for actual action but not full playing time. 5-10 mins the most no more."

I groaned "that's like nothing."

"So she speaks and it's better than not playing your senior night and like I said you need to take it slow you haven't played in almost 3months, you need to take it easy."

"Yeah I know." I pouted

"Plus you're not fully recovered but doing remarkably well and I think your knee can handle at least 5 mins 10 might be pushing it, but try. If your knee starts to hurt tell your coach to take you out asap. I know you try to play through the pain but not this time."

My cheeks turned red

"I emailed your coach and your brother to let them know the news and I am also going to right your coach a note and I'll do that right now. Please wait right here." She turned and left me at the tables.

So I just sit here awkwardly while everyone else is getting treatment. I grab my brace and slide it back on my knee. By the time I was done my PT came back and handed me an envelope.

"Here you go." She chirped

I muttered a thank you and hopped of the tables. She walked me to the waiting room were Randy was waiting for me. He was on his phone.

I turned to my PT "thank you for everything."

"No problem see you next week and stay healthy and be careful." She reminded me

I nodded and kicked Randy in the shins and he jumped up.

"Owww." He rubbed his ankle

"I don't see why you come to every one of my Physical therapy sessions." I told him not caring he was in pain

"Because I love you and jake can't come so he asked me to accompany you. He doesn't want you to go alone." He replied standing up

"I'm 18!" I said throwing my hands in the air

Randy laughed wrapping his arms around my waist. I laid my head on the crook of his neck and wrapped my arm around his waist. He lead me out the door and to his truck. He open the door for me and I climbed in. When he came inside the truck i muttered something.

"What a perfect boyfriend."

He laughed and started his truck backing out for the parking lot.

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