32 : Parted Ways

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Cedric's POV:

The Yule Ball was everything someone could imagine. Missing Christmas away from mum and dad was difficult but I needed to know what it was like to be on my own. I needed to grow up. Grow away.  Like Y/N who discovered that feeling at 11.

Nearing the start of the ball, I nervously stood at the end of the steps with Fred, George, a few other people and a very irritated Draco.

I got worried as one by one the girls descended the stair, all looking very put together. Yet I never saw Y/N.

I couldn't go looking for her. I'd panic on where to look.

I felt someone grab my shoulders, as an attempt to scare me I assume. If it wasn't for the glimpse of blue I saw when I looked down I probably would have punched her.

I turned around and there she was, the most gorgeous girl in the room. Even if no one else saw her in the way I did.

The light blue dress perfectly fit her with a flowing skirt and fitted upper body.

"Well don't you just look handsome." She said looking me dead in the eyes.

"And don't you look mighty gorgeous, as always." I responded, keeping the contact as long as possible.

As the night went on, the twins were caught spiking the punch, a guy was caught making Amortentia in the bathroom, and some girl passed out unconscious on the dance floor. A typical event at Hogwarts, never a dull moment.

As the party died down and the band had left, Y/N and I retreated back to the Common room. Even after everyone left, the air was stuffy, smelt of sweat and alcohol, it was kinda making me nauseous.


The ball, perfect as I would describe it. Until the twins decided to spike every punch bowl and got some third year drunk.

I couldn't remember specific details but I know the night went by in a blur.

Audrey was there with Percy as chaperones. They actually danced which wasn't shocking for Audrey, but Percy? PERCY? He'd be the one to scared to wrinkle his perfectly tailored suit or scuff his shoes.

Then, before I even knew it. My 5th year at Hogwarts was over.

I would take this train home, spend 3 or so months on summer break, and then return as a 6th year. The part that hurt to think about was that Cedric wasn't going to be at Hogwarts after this year. He would have a job in the real world. The age difference could be a problem I'm our relationship, something we might have to sacrifice.

I arrived at Kings Cross with Ellie and Mum. Got though the wall at 9 and ¾, and boarded the train headed to Hogwarts.

Ellie was now in her 4th year, she's taller, more mature, and has the strength of a Keeper and Beater combined, yet has no want to pursue Quidditch.

[6th year : 75% through]

"Hey," My cheery voiced boyfriend sat down next to me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just reading, " I said closing the book.

"Well since it's my last year here, I think that we should go on one last Hogsmeade date before I leave." He smiled "if that's okay with you I know with exa-"

I had cut off his ranting with a kiss that didn't last long. but long enough for him to kiss back. "Sounds perfect,"

Watching the Graduation Ceremony of my best friends, boyfriend, lover, everything he was to me and I was still going to be here while he was helping his dad in the Ministry of Magic in the Muggle artifacts section.

my 7th year wouldn't be a great one.

It was now my last year at hogwarts. The stress of knowing what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. What if I pick a career I really hate?

Mum had told me something like "It'll all come to you, just as it did Audrey. "

Sure Audrey and I are alike but the way she compares us is at its unsettling point. I was no prefected genius like Audrey, sure I had wit but not the instantaneous, automatic smarts she did. However mum still says "oh you'll get there."

The year with no one there, Aimee was there rarely, Cedric was gone. We owled back and forth for a while but then his new job at the Ministry with his dad took his time.

Our final exams came so fast I didn't realize it. With All O's and an A in DADA (just because) I had decided on a career that would put my abilities behind Healing Potions and Charms to use, working at St. Mungos, why not. I mean what else would I do? I can't stay on a broomstick to save my life so professional Quidditch is a no. I'm not staying cooped up in an office all say only to be yelled at for everything in do wrong and everything I do right to go unrecognized. So any part of the ministry was a hell no.

Cedric and I got to see eachother more. I got to really know Amos and Caroline and they really got along with Mum (Everly).

We had moved into a small flat on the muggle end of downtown London. Cedric growing up in a pureblood house hold, he never saw these things that I saw over the summer. He hasn't even drank out of anything that wasn't a goblet.

Things seemed to be settling down, until word got to us that Deatheaters Escaped from Azkaban were going to attack Hogwarts. Without Voldemort? With no leader? unbelievable.

Cedric and I were apparated to Hogwarts where everyone was marching on, where everyone here was praying that this wouldn't be the place where they took their last breath.

I was reunited with Audrey and Ellie. I told Ellie to go home, she was underage and shouldn't be fighting. She didn't have much to reply with until she said.

"I have big news to tell you two after this is over."

then we parted ways.

1038 words🎄

Happy Christmas everyone. Sorry I'm getting really bad about updating but here it is. Hope you guys had a great day - <3 C

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