5 : Hogwarts Express

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I was woken up by the sun coming through the windows in Aimees room. I wasn't too sure what time it was but I knew it wasn't safe to wake Aimee yet. If anything we have in common it's don't wake us up too early we will find a way to go back to sleep.

I slowly crept to Aimme's closet to grab an outfit so I could go to the bathroom and get changed. I found a white and blue stripped t shirt (odviously one of Dakota's old Tees) and some black pants. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, when I got out I quickly got dressed and ready, combing through my hair, and brushing my teeth. I knew soon Aimee and Ashley would be up and fighting over the bathroom. I slowly came out of the bathroom shutting the door behind me. Aimee was just waking up and rushing towards the closet digging around, I assume to find an outfit to get to the shower before Ashley did.

"I'm gonna go help your mum with breakfast alright?" I told Aimee

"Okay just don't get near anything hot, or glass, or just don't go downstairs wait for me." Aimee responded back quickly quickening her words.

She wasn't wrong I did have a habit of being EXTREMELY clumsy I tripped over air, ran into doors, anything possible I've most likely done it. When Aimee ran towards the bathroom I just looked around her room it wasn't much different. Some moving pictures of her and her family, but there was one picture of us waving we had to be little like seven or eight I looked closely in the picture and there was a girl in the background she wasn't moving almost like a statue. A muggle perhaps? Not affected my moving pictures. I was certain she was real. A blonde girl looked about twelve. My thought on the mysterious girl was pushed aside by some yelling in the background.

"AIMEE! IF YOU DONT COME OUT RIGHT NOW." Ashley yelled. She was a sweet person but her angry yells could scare you-know-who.

"STOP BEING AN ANNOYING GIT AND WAIT YOUR TURN!" Aimee shot back. It's quite funny listening to them bicker.

The fighting contined until Aimee came out and we both headed downstairs. The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air. We slid into the kitchen to find a very upbeat and happy Mrs. Marquam. Aimee spoke first

"Morning Mum." She said as we sat down on the barstools

"Well good morning little one," Mrs. Marquam said back to Aimee as she kissed her head. "And what's this?" Mrs. Marquam asked with a shocked tone as she looked at me "ah just my fourth child," she said as she pulled me into a side hug.

About that time Ashley stomped down the steps.

"Good Morning Ashley take a seat and have something to eat." Mrs. Marquam spoke.

Ashley just shrugged her shoulders as she came to sit by me.


After breakfast I said all my goodbyes and used the floo network to get to my flat.

Upon my arrival I was attacked by hugs from mum.

"I was just gone for a night mum." I said annoyed by all the so called 'love'.

"I just missed you, is there something wrong with me missing my daughter?" Mum asked back.


Milli leave the poor kid alone" my dad stated "We have to get her packed up and ready for Hogwarts."

"Oh dear that's right we got all of your books while you were gone this morning but we have a bit of a surprise for you," Mum said.

I saw Dakota walk into the room with a cage containing a small grey owl. He wasn't extremely tiny but smaller than Ace (our family owl).

"Gosh he's adorable," I giggled as I grabbed the cage from Dakota "thank you thank you thank you" I repeated loving on the little bird.

"I knew you'd love him kid" Dad said patting me on the head.

"So Y/N what are you going to name him?" Cal asked odviously anxious to hear my answer.

"I'm not too totally sure, any ideas?" I asked the family.


"What about Chip"

Everyone started yelling away with names, except for Cal he stayed quiet.

"Newt I think you should name him Newt." Cal whispered so no one but us could hear him.

'Wow Newt I really like that name' I thought.

"Thanks for the recommendation but I'm going to watch them bicker on" I quietly said back.

"Yeah" Cal said as we laughed a bit.

(Time skip to the day Y/N boards the train to go to Hogwarts.)

"Got everything!" Mum shouted down the hall.

"I believe so" I responded trudging down the hallway dragging my trunk, and carrying Newt in his cage.

"You have your wand, books, robes, cauldron... " Mum continued to list things on "Well I see you have Newt here." She finally finished up while handing the little bird a treat.

Dakota and Cal loaded up thier luggage and pets, Dakota's cat named Milo and Cal's toad named Reme. When everything was just about loaded up to leave the Marquams came out of nowhere. I was happy to see them no doubt, but it was no surprise Ashley always left with Cal and Dakota to go to Hogwarts.

"Everybody in, the cars about to leave!" My dad shouted as we all rushed to the car.

When we finally made it to Kings Cross Station, unloaded the car, and got our stuff on the trolleys. I saw another family running through the wall between 9 and 10. When they finally filed through mum handed us our tickets and wished us good luck. Dakota went first for running through the wall, then Ashley, then Cal, and then it was time for me. I bid my goodbyes to mum, dad, and Aimee. I tightened my grip on the trolley as I ran towards the wall. When I opened my eyes right in front of me there it was the huge black train that on the front read 'Hogwarts Express'.

1044 words ✨

Sorry for the slow updating I'm trying to make the chapters longer for you guys. Every vote and comment is extremely appreciated (and optional)! Thank you all sm sorry for any spelling or grammer errors.

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