12 : Again

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Cedric's POV:

Green sparks shot out of my wand. I felt Dakota jump behind me and Penelope grab my shoulders. I definitely wasn't meant to be in Hufflepuff.

Y/N's mum fell to the ground hard I dropped my wand in shock.

I- I just killed someone

I ran over to her still body, her dead form laying there. Lifting up her lefthand to pull down the sleeve where there was, the dark mark

Penelope turned me around so I was facing her and held my face.

"Your just a kid" she said "just a little one, you can't be sent to Azkaban!"

We stood up from our hiding spots and just about then Ms. Pomfrey walked through the doors.

"Dakota I got the Potion you said was neces-" Madam Pomfrey trailed off. "Oh my wizard God whats happened!" She exclaimed.

Y/N's mum's body started to turn back into it's normal form. The brown straight hair turning black and curly. Her growing a little shorter and the skin becoming a tad darker. We all watched in shock.

"Don't bother explaining to me explain to Dumbledore." Pomfrey said as she pointed us to the door.

"Y-yes ma'am," I replied slightly terrified.

We headed towards Dumbledore's office. Going up the wierd staircase and into the odd room.

"Mr. Diggory I've been expecting you." Dumbledore said the loud but calm tone making me jump.

"Sir let me ex-" Dakota started.

"Miss. Dixon" Dumbledore interupted. "As much as I'd like to hear your point of view, I'd prefer to hear Mr. Diggorys" he said looking at me.

"Professor," I started "We noticed wierd things going around as soon as Y/N got the howler from her mum. Dakota was acting wierd or who we thought was Dakota was acting wierd." I took a moment for breath. "Penelope and myself went to the household and there we found the real Dakota. She explained that none of the Dixons are safe there. We packed up what was necessary and most important for Cal and Dakota, and the animals. When we came back we saw her there beside Y/N's bed I was almost in tears now. "She was the one keeping Y/N sick she was the one keeping her unconscious. I knew that she would keep coming back if she wasn't gone for good. Y/N has already been through much, the suffering had to stop .."

"So you killed her?" Dumbledore asked me.

"I had to I couldn't let Dakota she's a straight O student and that would affect her deeply, and Penelope I know has been working to be Ravenclaw prefect and I don't wanna ruin that for her." I said choking holding back tears.

"Mr. Diggory, I'm not saying what you did is right however you put others thoughts before yours and you did save one student, I'm questioning the hats thoughts to not put you in Gryffindor because of your bravery."Dumbledore said which I slightly smiled at his comment. "However I can't just let you go you will be serving Detention with me for the 6 weeks."

"That's it?" I said in shock which made Dumbledore raise an eyebrow. " I meant thank you professor," I said quickly, he then looked back down.

"You are excused." Dumbledore calmly said as he went back to his writing.

As I walked out I felt accomplished yet guilty but I knew where I needed to be right now, the hospital wing.

When we all got there practically sprinting the entire way Y/N had just seemed to move a bit, not fully awake yet but moving. They had already taken away her mum's body so when Y/N did wake up it wouldn't be the first thing she saw. I grabbed her and and eventually she shuffled so much that I knew she was about to awake. It took a few more minutes and I felt her grip tighten on my hand surely enough she sat up and looked at me.

"Cedric?" She asked confused. I mean I would be confused too if I was out for a week and a half.

"What happened," she then asked.

With the help of Dakota and Penelope we explained the story right to the very point, not leaving out a single detail. All Y/N did by the end was nod her head and look down. I felt her shaking a bit weather that was because she was cold or crying I'm not sure.

"So mum's dead?" She asked me. It hurt to answer 'yes' but I had too.

She did the most unexpected thing next.
She hugged me.

For a guy that just killed her mother I'm surprised she isn't attacking me and yelling, but from what Cal's told me she doesn't like yelling or being yelled at the concept scares her.


I had owled my dad like I usually do every so often. We had to find places for each Dixon to say for the holidays and summer breaks. Y/N staying at the Marquams. After alot of convincing Cal staying with me, and Dakota staying with Penelope for holidays. It was almost like things were like they used to be, Y/N had to stay in the hospital for a bit to restore her health back to normal. I'm pretty sure no one had told her how long she had been out for. I gave her all the cards and letters people had sent to Cal and I's dorm, including the many from Aimee.


Y/N's POV:

When I had woken up and the story being told to me it didn't feel real. Like something out of a fairy tale, something out of a dream. Staying in the hospital for a couple of weeks wasn't so bad although the many awful tasting medicines and potions I had to take were,  and you knew it was bad when it smelt like rubbing alcohol. I understood the lecture Ms. Pomfrey gave me of how I had to rebuild my immune system. I was finally let go and able to go back to sleep in my normal dorm. When I walked into the common room I was greeted by many hugs and 'how are yous'. Walking up to my dorm I remembered the first time I walked up here with Scarlett. When I opened the door I was ready to jump out at her but I was greeted with an empty room great. I looked over the balcony for entertainment until I heard Cal shout up at me.

"Hey Kid, I think she's still in Charms" He shouted.

"Thanks" I shouted back even though it hurt my throat a bit to talk so loud.

Right then I saw a flash of blonde run into the common room. I shut the door quickly and hid behind it ready to jump out at her as soon as she walked in. The door slowly creeped open when it was almost shut I jumped out.

"HEY" I said very loudly.

"AHHHH" Scarlett yelled back throwing her parchment and books at me causing me to fall in the floor.

She joined me in the floor us both dying of laughter and then she finally realized.

"Ah Y/N your back!"

1177 words🦎

And she's alive!!! I didn't really check this chapter for any grammatical error so sorry about that I'll do it later. 💀 Vote + Comment if you'd like to. Suggestions are still open.

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