15 : Keeping Watch

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Cedric's POV:

I headed up the steps to Cal and I's dorm, closing the door behind me.

"Woah woah Diggory what are you grinning about you look like Dakota when she scored better than Percy on one of the charms exams." Cal said standing up from his bed laying his book down aswell.

"I'm not happy about anything particular.." my voice trailed off.

"Oh Really?" Call said leaning against a bean crossing his arms almost knocking down the curtain behind it.

"..Yeahh.." I said looking up then turning my back to walk to my bed. "Just the fact that I, Cedric Diggory just kissed Y/N Dixon" I murmured hoping, praying Cal didn't hear just saying it out loud because things felt unreal. Sure enough.

"YOU WHAT!" Cal yelled making me jump he walked over towards me grabbing my shoulders shaking me. "WHAT WORDS JUST CAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH DIGGORY." Cal proceeded to yell. I was about to fall over from all the abrupt movement. "TELL ME MY EARS ARE TELLING LIES CEDRIC.

"Stop shaking me then." I rushed out scared he was gonna make me throw up or give me whiplash.

"S-sorry dude he said hitting me on the back." Cal said increasingly calmer than before.

I grabbed the door handle acting like it was helping me balance when really I was preparing myself to make a run for it if he took things the wrong to way. Cal's my best mate, but he does take things a bit extreme when it comes to his female family and friends, like Y/N and Ashley even Aimee I'm sure he'd defend just as much as the others.

"I kissed Y/N on the cheek little Callum bro," I said casually yet running out the door like my life depended on it. I knew he'd find the me calling him Callum more irritating than the stupid kiss but boy was it worth it to be that close to Y/N. 'chills literal chills'

I jetted it to the other side of the common room and up the other set of steps choosing carefully what dorm I selected it was too dark to see any of the plaques that hung from the door. Half of these dorms were empty and the other half housed different Hufflepuffs. I had a 50/50 % chance of either getting an escape from Callum or Detention... I'll take my best option.. I selected the dorm that I swore said 'Sight Deemed' but with only the dim moonlight as resources I was still unsure. I took my chances and walked in closing the door gently, crouching down, and placing my ear against the other end waiting for Callum. I heard a light creek but only assumed it was peeves coming to misplace everyone's trinkets and such for them to fret in the morning.

"Do you do this every night once I am asleep, Diggory." A soft voice whispered in my ear. I screamed before the person's small hand met my mouth. "Shut it you'll wake 'er'" she said nodding towards a girl curled in a lump under the quilt. I turned around and was met face to face with just my luck

Y/N Dixon.

"Can't get enough of me in one day can you?" she giggled sitting down. "What brings you here you could get expelled from being here yano"

"I know but I told Cal I kissed you on the cheek" I felt a burn in my face and on the tips of my ears. "He went ballistic"

"Oooh rookie move there Ced." She said back as she pressed her hands to her face acting super surprised and extra sarcastic.

'I love it when she calls me Ced,' I thought briefly to myself before returning back to the real reality."I- I'm- Uh- I thought I picked an empty dorm but I was....wrong" I said pausing between almost every word.

"I see that," she said as she started to look up. The moon reflecting off of her brown hair almost giving her hair highlights.

We sat in the cold castle floor talking and listening out for Cal's footsteps.

"So, Y/N what do you think about me trying out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team?" I turned asking her.

"If you want to try it then go try it. What position are you going to try for?" She asked calmly while turning her head to the right looking at me.

"Not too sure actually maybe Chaser or Seeker." I sighed.

"I know Hufflepuff will be in need of a Seeker since Jayda Wolfe (A/N: I couldn't find who the seeker was before Cedric so I used one of my friends names😂) graduated last year" She said then turning her head towards the small window in her room.

Something was off something was definitely off but I just couldn't tell what.


Y/N's POV:

The way I sleep has always been wierd, one night I'll sleep through a tornado the next night I'll wake up at the smallest noice. Tonight happened to be one of those nights. I had just drifted off until the door latch and heavy breathing caught my attention. I could feel my heartbeat coming out of my chest from nerves but once I rolled over I took a breath I never knew I was holding. I saw a brown haired boy thankful for the moonlight I could see his face; Cedric. He knelt down on the floor facing the other way.

I smirk tugged at my lips 'I'm about to scare the living daylights out of this badger boy.' I thought.

I had my doubts about going up to him when I did I crouched down to his level and whispered "Do you do this every night once I am asleep, Diggory,"

I definitely startled him because he let out a scream that would probably wake up the whole castle if I hadn't of slapped my hand over his mouth to atleast muffle things.

We sat in the floor talking about random things like how Cedric should tryout for Seeker on the Quidditch team. I personally think he would make a great seeker.

The conversation didn't feel awkward but the room did it felt like a bunch of eyes were on me but I didn't want to trust my instincts quite yet until I found the source. Sure enough Winter and Newt were asleep so I couldn't be them. Cedric probably thought I was crazy looking around like I was.

Finally my eyes met the back of the room I was totally oblivious to whatever Cedric was saying I turned to the small window and sure enough there it was right outside, the source to all of my creeped like feelings. I saw none other than a ghost.

The ghost of my mother...

1151 words👻

A/N: And..... Cliffhanger sorry not sorry. As much as I'd hate to bring Milli Dixon back....she's back. On another note it's April 1st so Happy Birthday to my comfort twins.. Fred and George Weasley💛!! Anyways sorry this one kinda really really sucks but vote and comment if you'd like.

"He Reminds me of Home" - Cedric Diggory x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora