3 : "Me too"

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I knew Cal was going to be overly excited to go to the Marquams. It's so obvious that he has a bit of a crush, no not even a bit a huge crush on Ashley. She doesn't seem to notice, I guess that's because they have been friends for so long. Trust me I've known Cal my entire life and Ashley is absolutely perfect for him, she's so sweet and caring and is there for anyone, anytime. I'm a bit surprised she's not a Hufflepuff but I guess her natural born smarts make up for it. The Marquam family I've known them since I could walk, my dad and Finn Marquam were best friends, roommates, and both chasers on the Gryffindor quidditch team at their time at Hogwarts, so it was usual for us to go over there. I would spend months there with Aimee, Ashley's little sister. When Cal and Dakota started going to Hogwarts because with mum and dad working during the day, I couldn't be trusted home alone at such a young age. Then there's Axel Marquam he keeps to himself alot but he was the big brother I never had, I remember when I was 10 and Aimee and I were playing with the brooms. Axel was trying to teach us how to fly but when I fell off, and broke my arm he healed me right up. Since then I don't know if he even notices when I come around. He started working at Gringotts so that when he graduates this year he will have a job there. At home he shoves around Aimee more than a tolerable amount and has kinda become a bully but I don't let him bother me too much, unless it comes to defending Aimee.

"Callum you first," My dad suggests, Cal quickly hurries to the mantle.

"Marquam Residence!" Cal shouts loud and clear before disappearing in a bundle of green flames.

"Now you Dakota," mum says hurriedly not wanting to leave Cal just there without us. Cal is 13 now so he knows what he's doing but mum still thinks he's so young.

The same thing happens over again until dad rushes me over, odviously excited to go see his old friends.

"Marquam Residence!" I yell before my vision was blocked by a bright green light before I appear in the Marquams living room.

It's a very warm house always smells like apples, tea, and cinnamon. In the living room two couches and tables, plants hanging from the ceiling, with red, green, and yellow drapes and rugs.

"Oh Y/N it's so lovely to see you, oh I saw Cal come in and was overjoyed that you all would be visiting. It feels like it's been so long since I las-" Paige Marquam (Aimee, Axel, and Ashley's mum) rushes out kinda jumbling her words from talking so fast, but her rant is quickly interupted by a force taking me to the ground.

"Long time no see Dixon," I hear a familiar voice say. Only one person calls me that and it drives me crazy sometimes.

"AIMEE!" I shout with way too much excitement in my voice quickly drowning her in a hug. I know it's only been 2 months since I last saw her but it's felt like forever.

"Hey, woah woah stop being so loud," Aimee responds with the funny sarcasm of hers toned in her voice as she helps me from the ground.
I don't know how she does it but somehow Aimee can't take anything seriously, but always knows what to say to lighten the mood when your happy or upset.

"Where's Ashley?" I ask wondering where she might be.

"Oh she's over there," Aimee says pointing behind her with a huge smirk on her face.

I turn around quickly ready to see the sight of hopefully Ashley and Callum totally hitting it off.

And sure enough right in front of me I see Callum looking down at Ashley with a love struck look in his eyes and Ashley with that amazingly perfect smile of hers looking up at him.

"I someday I want someone to look at me like he looks at her." Aimee whispers to me so only we could hear.

"Mhm yeah," I say covering up my mind thinking...'Me too.... me too'

738 words💥

A/N: Hi everyone! I know this is super short but I want to properly divide things based on events, so that's why. Aimee is definitely going to be my favourite character to write into this just because I absolutely love her personality. -*◍✧*C•✧*。

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