7 : Feast as Follows

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"HUFFLEPUFF!" the sorting hat shouted out. People in yellow ties and black robes jumped up and whistled when it was called. My eyes met Cals, he was at the very back of the Hufflepuff table.

I walked over to Mcgonagall who was holding all of my ties, scarfs, etc. I'd need for being in the Hufflepuff house and showing my house pride. I walked over to the table as a bunch of people shook my hand and congratulated me on making it into this house.

I sat between a brown haired boy and Cal making small talk while the sorting continued.

"Edgecombe, Marietta"

"Holt, Henry"

"McLaggen, Cormac"

"Seids, Scarlett"

I zoned out alot looking at the castle until Dumbledore's loud voice rang through my thoughts. Mental note: 'Never get on his bad side.'

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore began. "Before we start our banquet I would like to say a few words, and here they are, Outwit! Proute!"

Everyone erupt in claps including myself as huge plates and bowls of every food you could have ever imagined appeared magically infront of us.

"Magics pretty great isn't it!" Cal whisper-yelled into my ear.

"It really is." I whispered back.

"Even if you have been around magic your entire life you will never see any magic as what's at Hogwarts." The other brown haired boy beside me said.

My shyness kicking in I just nodded looking down. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I looked over at this mystery boy.

"Good luck here, hopefully you'll like all of your classes although the potion teacher, Snape. He doesn't really like any of us he's pretty harsh on everyone." The brown haired boy whispered to me.

"Besides his precious little Slytherins." Cal butted in and we all laughed.

"Oh how rude of me to not introduce myself," the boy started "I'm Cedric and you are?" He questioned.

"Um- uh- um- I- I'm-," I stuttered failing to make a single understand able word.

Cal reached for my shoulder. "This is my cousin Y/N Dixon".

I looked to Cal and mouthed a 'Thank you' he just nodded in response.

"Oh no! The just thought of a little Callum running around kills me," Cedric dramatically said while grabbing his chest. "Only jokes I'm sure your just like your sister," he continued "I heard what the hat said about you being smart and all." He added smirking while elbowing me in the side.

"She's not like any of us actually Ced she's eh... different" Cal responded.

"Well that's good to be your own person and all." Cedric nodded as he ate a bit more off of his plate.

"Looks like it's about time to go." Cal said motioning his head towards Dumbledore who was about to stand.

"Prefects, lead your house to their towers and show the first year their dormitories." He finished as I saw 4 people stand up from their house tables.

"What are pref-," I started to ask.

"They're like sub- heads of their house, they keep everyone in check" Cal interupting my question. "Like ours is Gabriel Truman." Cal said as he pointed to a boy with a stern look and Hufflepuff tie standing by the Great Hall entrance.

We all started to stand following our prefects. Me following silently so I could remember the directions of how to get to the tower and back to the Great Hall for later reference. When we approached the moving stairs to go toward our tower Gabriel turned around and looked at us before he started to speak. "Watch out the stairs have a mind of their own but the 3rd floor is forbidden for anyone who doesn't want to die slowly and painfully." He finished with a small smile. 'Woah creepy stop trying to scare us first years'

I quickly walked up the steps to get to the next floor before they decided to move again, but sure enough to my luck they started moving. I completely lost my balance and fell flat on my face. Mentally cursing myself 'Great job Y/N, real great job! The humiliation is real now, you can't avoid it.'

"Here let me help you," someone said all I paid attention to was their hand as I grabbed it.

"Thanks," I said as I got up, brushing off my robes.

"No problem," they said back I looked up finally meeting the person's eyes.

It was Cedric

At that time I realized I was still holding his hand I quickly yanked it away muttering a sorry and rubbed it against my robes as I hurried to catch up with the others.

As we approached the tower Gabriel gathered us all in the common room. It was a warm and inviting place with plants lining the walls and yellow almost anywhere.

"Boys Dormitories are to the left at the top, Girls however since there are only two Hufflepuff first years Y/N Dixon and Scarlett Seids you two will share a dorm on the right. You will find all your belongings have already been dropped of in your dorms. First years if you have any questions feel free to ask, Older years be prepared to answer." Gabriel went to the left motioning for the boys to follow him. "C'mon hurry along I'll help you find your dorms."

I turned around to find Scarlett, but it was more like she found me. A girl with long reddish blonde hair in dutch braids approached me.

"Hi are you Y/N you have to be your the tiniest one here" she let out a giggle "Come on I've researched everything about this place," she said and grabbed my arm my only instinct to follow.

After her dragging me around for a bit sure enough we approached a dorm that read 'Y/N Dixon & Scarlett Seids'

"I knew this was where it was," Scarlett said she sounded proud of herself as she lead me into the room and closed the door. Sure enough our belongings were already on our beds. I went to the one towards the right the beat up brown and blue chest sitting on the bed that I immediately reconized as Dakota's old one.

We took turns going to the bathroom and changing into our PJs, and in silence we started unpacking and sorting things how we wanted them.

"It's missing something," Scarlett let out, sighing.

"It is, isn't it." I replied. It was as she was reading my mind.

"Oh I know." Scarlett said as she pulled out a little leaf lamp and lit the candle. The candle immediately lighting up the leaf in yellow and dark green sparks. "Now it feels right."

We laid onto our beds talking a bit and then fell into a restless sleep, with the soft glow of the candle warmly lighting the room.

1146 words🎶

A/N : I know I altered some things a bit from the original story but that's going to happen alot so be ready for that. Sorry for the slow updating but I hope everyone is staying safe! -C

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