17 : Christmas

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Y/N's POV:

I rushed out of the Common room and through the crowd of rushing people to get to Ravenclaw dorms. Cal and Cedric hadn't even gotten up yet so I left their presents in the common room outside the boys dormitories under an invisibility spell so only they could see them. I rounded the corner and ran right into someone helping them pick up their things that I forced them to drop before even looking at the person.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said as I handed them their things. "Oh Oliver, hi what are you doing around Ravenclaw towers, you're far from Gryffindor home base," I joked laughing a bit.

"Ah ha no, I just delivered Percy's and I's presents to the Ravenclaws that are heading home for Christmas, and i'm now heading to the Hufflepuffs that's why I'm down on this side of the school." He answered adding a chuckle. "Oh since your here." He said as he shuffled around in the bag and pulled out a small box. "This is for you, from Percy and I... Mainly just me," he added handing me a small red box with a small golden ribbon tied into a bow.

I admired the package for a moment turning it around and around in my hand.

"Anyway, enjoy your break, Happy Christmas!" He shouted running the other direction without another word.

"Oh, Happy Christmas!" I shouted back but it was probably no use since he was already out of earshot.

I tucked the small gift into my bag and headed the way I originally planned.

Once arriving I found Dakota exiting the common room with Penelope, and Ashley following not far behind. I handed Dakota a box containing her Christmas present and then giving Penny's her's aswell.

"Don't open them til' Christmas day, have a nice break," I said before I proceeded to drag Ashley by the hand rushing to Hogsmeade station to get on the train to head to Kings Cross I was not going to be late.

We arrived at the station putting our luggage where it needed to be placed and then headed into the train. When we finally found an empty compartment we sat down on either side. For a while we talked about this and that (Ashley mainly talked about Cal). Until we were interupted by the compartment door opening.

"Do you mind, everywhere else is crowded." The person said standing outside the door.

"No I don't mind at all," Ashley said with her nose still in her book.

When they sat beside Ashley and I, I already knew it was Cedric and Cal disguising their appearance and voices. Ashley didn't seem to catch on as quickly.

"You're really pretty you know that," Cal said looking at Ashley and talking in this horrible southern American accent.

"I know, tell my boyfriend that, I'm sure he'd agree." Ashley snapped back.

At this point I couldn't hold it in I busted out laughing. Everyone in the compartment, probably on the train looked at me like I was crazy.

Riding through the Valleys and Mountains almost everything covered in a perfect layer of snow.

When we finally arrived to Kings Cross Station, Aimee, Finn, and Paige were already there waiting for us. Ashley ran up to her parents giving them both huge hugs. Man I still wish I could do that. As if reading my mind Aimee comes up to me and holds out her arms preparing for me to crash into her for a hug. I happily ran up to her accepting the offer.

"Bye Y/N, Bye Ashley," Cal and Cedric shouted from standing over by Cedrics family.

"Bye," we both said back, waving.

We got out of Kings Cross Station getting in the car. I had never drove or ridden to their house before I usally just only used floo networks or apparation once or twice.

"He Reminds me of Home" - Cedric Diggory x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora