27 : He Reminds me of Home

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Tw: mild cussing

Cedric's POV:

I needed to find Y/N and fast. I had spotted her roommate over the break, the one that's like been gone, Sharla, Charlotte, Scarlett whatever her name was.

The encounter was in a dull lit alley. In a wizarding world location.. which didn't make sense.. she's muggleborn. However I didn't want to go up to her not knowing her name and also to be honest I wasn't supposed to be there anyway.

When I finally got to the Hufflepuff common room, she was there, wearing a sweater that I thought looked oddly familiar. I didn't realize where it had came from until she turned a little bit, exposing the back. I saw the name 'DIGGORY' plastered across the back and '07' on the right chest side.

Wow. I rubbed my eyes a couple of times to make sure it was really mine. She was wearing my sweater, even after I fucked up bad, and was extremely disrespectful towards her and her feelings she still wore my sweater. Damn.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach a feeling that made me want to scream, throw up, and kiss her all at the same time.

I had forgotten what I was going to tell her by now, way too deep in my own kind of daydream.

When I snapped out of it I realized I was standing there like I was just hit with Immobulus.

She was going to realize I was just here, staring. I had to move, atleast act natural, if that was even possible.

I didn't move fast enough.

"Hey Cedric are you alright? You've been standing there for a bit and I've watched your face from the corner of my eye go from pale to a bright red." Y/N laughed for a second.

"Oh yeah I'm fine I just forgot where I was going thats all."I responded stupidly.

"Oh okay I get that, happens to me alot." She looked back down at her book.

"Hey, um would you like to um maybe go to hogsmeade tomorrow yeah tomorrow, since our, our um our las-" I stammered to get out making a fool of myself.

"I'd love to, " she said calmly.

"Okay great, the train leaves at 1 so meet me at the station, 12:30? If that works? If that works for you?"

"Sounds perfect" she said opening up her book again. I sat down on the small sofa to her right. Sittling there in a long moment of silence, with just the fire crackling in the background.

"Anything interesting going on with you?" She asked me not looking up.

"No not really, Well besides wanting the Quidditch season to start already." I responded.

"You've got atleast 3 weeks before you all even start practicing again," She stated. "Unless your a Gryffindor."

"Whys that?" I asked

"Because if your a Gryffindor, Woods got you working overtime. He will want the perfect team this year to win the Quidditch Cup." She stated. "I can't blame him, it's his last year to do it."

"True true," I stared at my feet and then looked around at the yellow, sage green, black, and brown decor in the common room. The plants, refinished wood, and plenty of black and yellow accents made quite the comfy room.

Throughout the still silence she kept her nose in her book as I overthought every decision I've ever made. I mentally kicked myself knowing that 3ish Christmases ago I assumed more than I thought. I was a total ass towards her. I ruined a Friendship. More worried about making her jealous and now it's the other way around, she's not even mine. Things were going so well and I let her fall right out of reach. I loved her more than I could ever love Cho, more than I could ever force myself to love Cho. I'm pretty sure she's still Geor-. Wait.

"He Reminds me of Home" - Cedric Diggory x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now