24 : Pure Testing

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Y/N's POV:

"Your joking right?" Fred laughed.

"Fred, I don't joke." Percy snapped (A/N: I'm going to hell for that one)

"Oh" Fred looked down.

"Lemme see it Percy" Molly inched her way closer to the book and Percy handed it to her.

"Oh dear." She looked at the page. "Tomorrow morning we are going straight to St. Mungo's."


The day was silent, not as energetic or loud like usual. Everything felt, weird. I distanced myself only leaving Ginnys room to get water, use the bathroom, or when Ginny needed it to change and such.

Nighttime aproached, I couldn't sleep, just stared at Ginnys cream colored ceiling.

"Psst. Y/N you up." Ginny whisper yelled from her bed.

"Yeah Gin, why?" I whispered back.

"You scared for tomorrow, going to St. Mungos and all, I bet mums gonna make you get a identity test." She replied sitting up

"Whats that?" I asked.

"Oh, well they take a little bit of your blood and mix it up with some other things. They can know everything about you like your true eye color, hair color, skin color, age, height, family tree, basically everything about you in a mater of seconds."

"Oh wow." Shock of how much power that one potion had.

"Yeah I had one when I was a baby." Ginny implied

"Why?" I asked.

"I was born with blonde hair unlike everyone else in my family, it eventually turned red with age but dad made mum take me to St. Mungos to take one just in case."

"Really?" The idea sounded funny

"Yeah, if I made it up, thats quite a lie." Ginny rolled over in her bed.

"True, true" I slowly closed by eyes fading into a dark cloud of sleep.


I woke up dreading to go downstairs, to be infront of 6 people who probably think I'm under polyjuice potion.

Breakfast was quiet no one talked. I had quite a few people staring at me from across the table, a couple of glares, a couple of whispers.

A crack was heard from the mantle.

"Hey Mum."

Molly jumped up ecstatic, "Oh Bill you're here, I assume you know whats going on." Bill nodded, "Just until I get back I need you to watch Ginny, Fred, and Ron."

"Ya hear that Fred the better looking twin doesn't need to be looked after." George gloated.

"Thats because you and Percy will be coming with me." Molly stated.

"Why?" Percy asked.

"Yeah why Mum?" George whined.

"Enough whining you two grab some floo powder and come on." Molly rushed, she probably was just as concerned, curious, and confused as I was.

Percy went through the mantle first, then myself (with the book as proof.), George, then Molly at last.

Molly rushed around desperate to get a nurses attention.

A thin lady with straight black hair rushed towards us asking what the problem was.

"Its Y/N here she needs an identity test immediately," Molly urged.

"He Reminds me of Home" - Cedric Diggory x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin