1: A Breakup Just Before I Leave

Start from the beginning

But Jojo was talking again, energised by my conversation topic I had started. "How about I give you one of my rocks to replace us? George is a lot like me, and Joaquin... well..." She gave a shifty glance to Ria then leaned closer to me. "Joaquin totally has Ria's temper."

"Hey!" Ria scolded, but I just laughed. Because what nut job actually gets offended about a rock supposedly having a temper?

But before I could tell Jojo which of her rocks I would prefer, the door to our music room opened.

Honey blonde hair, glowing green eyes, and a dimpled smile stared at us as he glanced around the room. "Oh, you're not who I'm looking for," he suddenly said. "Have either of you seen Joe or Sarah?"

"I mean, normally I'm referred to as two Joes, but no clue who this Sarah is," Jojo said. The boy cocked his head to the side, clearly not getting her joke.

Stifling my giggle, I replied, "I think they're down the end of the hallway in the other room."

"Thanks... ah..." His brows furrowed as he studied me, clearly recognising me.

I heaved a sigh. "Really, Rowan? We've had classes together for four years now."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry."

"It's Zara."

"Zara." His eyes went over me again, a grin taking hold of his face. "I'll definitely remember your name now, Zara with the pink hair."

Rolling my eyes, I barely glanced at him as he exited the room, but Jojo immediately turned on me.

"He totally just checked you out," she gushed.

"Oh, do you know a lot about the male species and their interests in women now?" I shot back, feeling the heat slamming through my face. I would be lying if I said the idea of Rowan Hart ever checking me out didn't thrill me. He was... very easy on the eyes. But no way, for a second, would I fool myself into thinking that was a reality.

"No, definitely not. But that was as obvious as the seagulls at the Strand who loiter around pretending they don't want to steal your chips, but still end up fighting any other bird that tries to get too close to the chips, just hoping, praying you will drop one morsel."

"And that's... obvious?" I didn't quite follow the whole narrative.

Ria and Jojo both nodded at me.

Shrugging, I replied, "Well, I will never go there. Even if he did, in some strange universe, ask me out."

"Um, why?" Ria questioned. She never joined gossip about boys, but this time... "I may be gay, but that boy is gorgeous."

"Because he has dated almost every girl in my grade? I'd probably just be the last on his long list who he hasn't."

"Oh..." Jojo said, trailing off. "Well, as long as you go into it knowing it would be a fling... might be fun to lock lips with someone like that."

"Stop it. The both of you. You're supposed to be into women."

"He'd make a fine woman," Jojo sighed.

 ∘◦ ❈ ◦∘ 

Jojo and Ria both had music after me, so I was the first to exit the building. But as I made my way to my English class, I couldn't shake the feeling I was being followed.

One glance over my shoulder and I locked eyes with the honey-haired beauty. Sheepish grin on his face for getting caught, he quickened his pace until he was walking alongside me. "Zara with the pink hair," he greeted.

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