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Quirkless, one word can change a man's life, false or true. This was the painful truth for Izuku the number 1. Hero.

"Morning Sir, today we have good and bad news. Which would you like first?" Toshinori breathed in and out. "Good first, please." The doctor pulled out an x-ray. "Izuku has a quirk, but we couldn't figure out what it is."

Izuku sat there confused. 'Well I have a quirk so why does dad look so disappointed?' Toshi grimaced at the news. (Imma just call him AM now you know who he is!) AM talked to the doctor for a short bit then they left.

Am and got into the car where Inko and Izumi waited. "So how'd it go lil bro!'' Izumi said raising her arms up and down in her car seat. "Good? I don't know, they say I have a qwuirk but they don't what it is." Inko sighs. "Quirk darling, its quirk, and don't worry a lot of people don't know what their quirk is until it awakens. You just gotta be patient. Okay?"

"Okay I'll wait until my quirk awakens." Inko claps, while Am and Izumi laughed. On the way home they singed along to the music on the radio. Am pulled Izuku into his room and shut the door.

"Izuku I don't want to alarm you but, you may not have a quirk." Izukus world changed that day. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get his quirk to activate so quirkless he was.

His mother trained Izumi because they have a similar quirk, luckily Izuku didn't get bullied as much his sister lied and said he had an intelligence quirk. So that day forward he studied as hard as he could.

His Father was never home work or something... Izuku had no one but his sister and Katsumi she was a beautiful blonde who tried her best to raise Izukus spirit but it never helped.

Time skip to when Izukus 12

Izuku was in class early like always, he was drawing in his notebook it was him with his two favorite people. His Sister and Katsumi on his sisters side he wrote a short description of her,

5'6 (maybe) long straight green hair, opposite of me in every way. Shes confident, strong, cool and more importantly she has a heroic heart.

Katsumi, 5'4 messy blonde hair, at times shes just like her brother but other times it feels like she truly care. Shes very aggressive even more angry but she also is the most beautiful thing on earth.

"Hey! I'm 5'5 ya bitch!" Katsumi shouted from behind Izuku. "Jeez give someone a warning if your gonna give them a heart attack." Izuku closes his notebook. "And no your 5'4. I would know." Katsumi smiled. "Oh so your stalking me now? Zuki that's a bad thing to do!"

"Wait... thats not what I meant." Izuku sighed class will start soon. "Good morning students. Today we'll be talking about your future careers who am I kidding, You all wanna be heroes!" Kids shouted in amusement using their quirks in the process.

"Oh? Three of you are trying for UA the Bakugous are going for the hero course and Yagi is going to the support class." Katsuki was sleeping in the back. "Support class? You gotta shoot higher then that Zuki!" Izuku laughed at Katsumi.

"I have an IQ of 185 I'm not able to shoot dynamite from my hands, sorry to disappoint." Izuku stared at Katsumi who was trying to refute what he said.

Tree hours later.

School was over as Izuku left he realized that he still had some ice cream left, so he left taking a short cut and well ya know. As he struggled more and more oxygen left his body. 'No! I can't give up I have to help my sister and Katsumi be heroes!' Izuku's body exploded in a blue aura.

"What the-?" The sludge asked while Izuku tried his best to fight back. "Ha Ha No need to fear, why? Because I am here!" Am said before hitting the sludge with a TEXAS SMASH! Izuku was amazed his quirk awakened and he gets to see Am again.

"All Might! It's good to see you again." Am looked towards Izuku. "Oh? Young Izuku it's so good to see you again. How's your sister doing? I haven't talked to her since she was in my agency." Izuku laughed. "Shes fine... I think, With her being in UA I don't see her that often anymore sleeping in her room I guess."

"I see. Also I thought you had an intelligence quirk?" Izuku thought of a convincing story. "Well you see we thought I did to, but as you can tell I don't. I always had an abnormal intelligence so we just assumed it was a quirk." Am nodded even though he knew what was happening, he is Izukus father.

Am said he had to turn in the villain then left. Izuku headed towards his sisters private gym. 'Gotta test this quirk!' Izuku remembered he should be at home by now, he pulls out his phone and calls him mom.

"Yes honey?"

"Just want to tell you I'll be at Izumis gym."

"Oh? Trying to impress Katsumi I see.''

"No mo- She hung up... What a bish!"
(Conversation I had with my mum)

Izuku typed in the code 2222 and walked in, he makes sure his sister isn't there and starts working on his quirk. He notices something about his blue aura mode or whatever he can't activate it anymore. As he was working on this he hears a big explosion, he runs outside towards the explosion.

He sees a group of people watching the heroes do nothing, he gets to the front of crowd and sees the sludge and Katsumi. At this point he sees her eyes and he can tell she is screaming for help, his eyes start to sting as he run towards the sludge.

"Hey kid! Stop now!" Izuku kept running he had to save her no matter what. The sludge sees Izuku and laughs sending a limb of sludge towards Izuku, Izuku dodges the appendage by flipping over it he looks the villain in the eyes.

"What's wrong with you-" The sludge stopped talking and stopped moving, Izuku reached into the sludge pulling Katsumi out saving her. "Zuki what was that?" Izuku shook his head no, and pulled her tighter. "Your eyes are red..." Katsumi said leaning into Izukus embrace.

After 30 minutes of questioning and shit

Izuku walked away he just his quirk for the first time... Effectively! Izuku continued walking thinking about his life, he noticed that after his quirk was announced every one left him even his parents. He walked into his house seeing his mom.

"Mom I got a question." Inko looked towards her son. "Can I get an apartment just for myself?" Inko nearly choked on her water. "Why?" "Well you see I was thinking I get some experience living on my own, so when I do move out I wont be completely lost."

Inko sighed. "Fine but me and your father will visit every wednesday and sunday."

Heyo I know the whole moving out was fast, but I wanted Inko to not care a whole lot but still care even slightly.

Anyways... good afternoon, good evening, and good night

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