Chapter Three

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1 week later...

Izuku sat on his couch watching TV waiting for that cursed piece of paper to come in, until he got a call from Izumi.

"Hey first year! How ya doin?"

"I'm doing good, also I'm not in UA yet. Hell I don't even know if I made it or not."

"Oh you did don't worry. I talked to Nezu and your actually going to be the UA representative! Your last name is Yagi so your going to be one of the last people to get the letter."

"I see... Why didn't you tell me this before I was so nervous!"

"Well I thought you would've known you made it when you scored 128 villain points!"

"I only scored 60 or something what are you going on about?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyways I gotta go love ya loser!"

"Love you too."

Izuku pondered on what his sister had said.

1 week later...

Izuku waited he should be getting his letter of acceptance soon, he walked back down to the mailroom. Using his key he opens the box and there it was his letter to Hogwarts, the golden ticket, the UA acceptance letter. Flashing to his bed he opens the letter, a disk fell out landing on his bed. A hologram of All Might appeared.

(Boring All Might speech later)

"Welcome to your hero academia!"

Izuku just stared he had scored 128 villain points and 89 rescue points. He didn't know what to say, he did it he was going to be a hero.

At UA (lot of short timeskips heh?)

Izuku had tried to tie his tie for like an hour and just gave up. Walking around the school looking for 1a, he eventually found it. 'Who needs a door this big?' Walking in he sees a student screaming at Katsuki. "Get your feet off the desk!" Izuku sat deciding to ignore the two bickering boys. Katsumi walked to his desk. "How do you not know how to tie your tie?"

"Sorry I have more important things to focus on." Katsumi whispered in his ear. "Am I one of those important things?" Izuku's face went red. "I-I mean yes? But also n-no." He looked up to see Katsumi staring at him whilst trying not to laugh. "Who knew you were so easy to toy with."

"Shut up you fuc- what is that." Izuku said pointing at a man. "That Izuku is a hobo, you don't see a lot of them in school buildings but UA is pretty weird so." The 'hobo' looked at the class before speaking. "Shut up and sit down." He coughed into his hand. "Now we'll be doing a quirk apprehension test. Go change into the gym outfits then meet me outside."

Izuku left as fast as he could not wanting to socialize, running into the changing room he takes off his shirt. "Wow! Dude your like super muscular. So Manly!" Izuku laughed at the praise. "I just work out, nothing to i-"

"Guys! There's a hole behind this poster that leads to the girls room. I can see Momo's glorious breast, Katsumi's-" Izuku charged up a rasengan. "Finish that sentence I dare you." Mineta looked at Izuku confused, but sadly decided to not test his luck.

Outside... (lazy)

"Alright your all here, as I said we'll be doing a quirk apprehension, Yagi catch. What was your softball throw in middle school?" Izuku thought for a moment. "52 meters I think."

"Alright now do it with your quirk." Izuku thought for a second before making a shadow clone. "Hey can you just run as far as you can for like 10 seconds." The clone grab the ball then started running, while waiting Izuku put his flying raijin seal at the end of the 50m dash. "17946 meters? How fast are you?"

Looking at the memories of the clone he realized what happened. "Well it only ran for like 8 seconds before throwing it." Izuku lined up at the 50m. "C'mon you wanna see how fast I am, right?"

Lined up against Katsuki, Lida and Todoroki. "Hey Nerd, ready to fucking lose?" Izuku just stood looking at an invisible watch on his wrist. As the robot says GO!!! Izuku just teleports to the end.

"Dammit! I lost?" Izuku says sarcastically.

I forgot the other tests...

The rankings:

1st: Izuku Yagi

2nd: Momo Yaoyorozu

3rd: Shoto Todoroki

4th: Katsuki Bakugou

5th: Katsumi Bakugou

Skip to 20.

20: Toru Hagukure

"Okay, Hagukure and Mineta you're expelled. Class dismissed." Momo stared in shock thinking it was just a ruse for them to try. Toru cried as she left the school.

Now I know Toru didn't get last in the actual anime, but logically speaking she should like even Mineta is better than her in a physical test. Also don't say "Oh he lied about expelling them." It is highly implied the only reason he didn't kick Izuku out was because he was impressed by him.


...good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

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