Chapter Five

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3 AM

"Waking up again after that same dream?" Izuku sighed. 'You know for a self-proclaimed all-knowing beautiful creature, you ask some dumb questions.' Izuku went into the bathroom and washed his face. "Katsumi... I should tell Katsuki what's going to happen."

8 AM

Heading towards the Bakugou household Izuku wondered if he should just call in sick. 'It would be pretty suspicious if a kid called sick on the day villains attacked.' Izuku texted Katsumi.

"Zuki! Good morning." Katsumi hugged Izuku. "Hey, fuck-birds we gotta get to school." Izuku laughed at his old friend. "It's not our fault your single!" Katsumi shouted at her brother, before looking at Izuku. "Izuku I'm sorry but my mom wants to talk to you."

"Oh no..."

"So that's why I trust you with my baby demon girl." Looking at his phone. "Oh fuck! Katsumi come here we gotta go, it's 8:45!" Katsumi put her arms around Izukus. (then poof) Appearing in class, Izuku sighed. "I put this seal in a terrible place..."

"Izuku why are we standing on your desk?" Izuku sat down facepalming. "Go to your desk Katsumi, or I'll uh just sit down." Katsumi laughed at his stupid comment and the authors' lack of English vocabulary. "Hey Izu."

"Yeah, Why'd you get all serious?" Katsumi stared down. "Will you promise to love me till the day I die?"
Izuku stared at her shocked, he looked out the window and chuckled. "Of course... NOT!" Izuku turned to see Katsumi. "I'm messing with you Katsumi, I swear to whatever god is in the sky if there is one that I will love you."

"But if I'm being honest I'll probably die before you, I mean you do have me protecting you." Katsumi wipes a tear from her eye. "Yeah, I got you to protect me." Izuku closed his eyes waiting for his late caterpillar teacher.

"Kid listen I know you think you can save her but you can't." 'That helps Matatabi.' "I know it's not nice but it's the truth." 'Those sages said I could save her, so I have to try.' "The sages are wrong." 'SO I SHOULD JUST LET HER DIE? I should just let the girl I love die because you said it's impossible?'

"Hey Kid the others left for lunch." Izuku looked at his scruffy teacher. 'This will be my chance to change fate.' "Sensei I don't believe we should go on this field trip." Aizawa's eyes opened in shock. "Why? If something goes wrong which is highly unlikely, we'll have All Might there."

"Just listen my quirk lets me sense danger when it's activated and it just keeps activating." Izuku looked at his teacher with his Sharingan flashing on and off. Aizawa looked at him and sighed before walking away from Izuku's desk. "Kid what do you know?"

Izuku went wide-eyed. "W-What do you mean." 'Shit I stuttered.

"You are probably the most confident person I've met, strong and you know it so for you to be so scared you must know something."

'Fuck me...' Izuku thought for a second. "There isn't a god ya know? What there is are two sages they call themselves the sages of the six paths, Naruto and Sasuke they told well that villains will attack the USJ." Confused and dumbfounded Aizawa looked deeply into blank space.

"I can't cancel the field trip because some 'gods' gave you a premonition." Izuku sighed he knew it was a shot in the dark.

"Wake me up when we leave for the USJ." Falling asleep Izuku wonders what to do...

"Kid we know what your thinking but you haven't failed this just means you'll have to fight to save her!"

"Sasuke is right, you just have to fight to save her. Okay?"

"Kid wake up we're leaving!" Izuku looked up to see Aizawa calling with Katsuki by him.

"Nerd! I got your hero outfit put it on then teleport or whatever." Catching his armor and scarf Izuku puts it on. As Izuku starts to wrap his scarf, he stops. 'I'll give to Katsumi for good luck!'

Jumping out the window Izuku starts running towards the bus. "Izuku! I told you he would catch up, Your sitting by me!" Teleporting to Katsumi Izuku grabs her shoulder.

"Wait." Wrapping his scarf around Katsumi. "Its good luck." Izuku smiles at the blushing Katsumi.

"T-Thank Zuki." Katsumi hugs Izuku. "Let's go the others are staring." Waking into the bus Izuku follows.

"I knew it! You two are totally a thing." Katsumi rubs the back of her head.

"Mina you don't have to scream, and we weren't exactly hiding our relationship." Izuku explained. Sitting in the back seat Katsumi soon sitting next to him.

"So Izuku what's it like being perfect?" Izuku looks towards Kaminari.

"Perfect? I get anxious, I doubt myself more than most of you and I get scared. I'm pretty normal if you ask me."

"Yeah but any girls I go after just throw pencils at me."

"That's sounds like your problem not Yagis." Kirishima chimes in.

"Anyways I've been wondering Izuku what's your quirk?" Asui asks.

"Uh I have no idea."


"I just woke being able to do all this." Izukus arm get covered in lightning.

"Well technically you saved me then you were able to do all of that. So technically I made you the strongest in class."

"Strongest I'm pretty sure Todoroki is stronger." Momo says blushing lightly.

"What can he do again? He has ice right? If that's it I could kill him 20 times before he blinks." Izuku says with a slight laugh.


"I can teleport...

■□Long list of what he can do later□■

"Children we're here."

And with that we stop anticlimactic? yes... but who cares

Before Yoshikage word count: 968

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

After Yoshikage word count: 1168

Anyways... good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

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