Chapter Seven

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Izuku was perusing his phone when he saw something from the corner of his eye, something pink. Izuku looked over and saw Ashido approaching him (MENACING) Izuku looked up at her she had a sympathetic look on her face.

"Yagi-kun are you okay?" Izuku looked at her and then at his feet.

"I'm fi- I don't know, I feel like I'm focusing on Katsuki so I don't have to face her death." Tears fell uncontrollably, and Ashido pulled Izuku into a hug.

"Its fine crying is natural, it's good for you!" Izuku cried until they arrived at their stop.

"T-thank you, I needed that..."

"Who would've thought, UA's bad boy is actually a softie." Izuku laughed softly and walked with Ashido to class. When they arrived in class Izuku watched as Ashido walked up to Aizawa and talked to him for a bit before sitting next to Izuku, where Katsumi sat. 

"How long are you going to be sitting there?" Izuku looked over at Mina.

"I mean if you want me to leave, th-" 

"No! I mean it's fine." Izuku covered his face out of embarrassment. Ashido chuckled under her breath. Aizawa started teaching, and after a short bit he asks a question. When no one answers Izuku raises his head from his desk.

"Is it 19.6 meters per second?" Izuku grabbed his pencil which wasn't even sharpened and a piece of paper.

"Yes, next time raise your hand." 

End of class.

"Okay everyone, it's time to discuss the elephant in the room. I'm not the best at this kind of thing but I'll try, in the last attack one of our own was killed. We know some of you need the time to process this but you only have a week, next week we'll be having the sports festival. We lose heroes every day some of them are friends some of them are more, but we don't get time to grieve on a battlefield. Oh I forgot, we don't have school until the start of the Festival." Aizawa looks at Katsuki and Izuku.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." Everyone looks at Izuku who was now standing.


"You could've saved her! All you had to do was activate your quirk when they grabbed her." Izuku grabbed the edges of the desk.

"Yagi watch your mouth."

"HELL NO! You have one job and that's to keep us alive something very simple when you can turn off what makes people deadly! But no instead you stayed at the top of the stairs scared." Izuku was squeezing the desk so hard that he was leaving a handprint. "So not only do you not accept that you could've done something, you only give us a week to grieve?"  

"Izuku, calm down." Katsuki looked at Izuku tears forming in his eyes, seeing this Izuku sits down. 

"Okay, now that he's calmed down class is dismissed." Izuku goes to leave but someone grabs his arm. 

"Yagi-Kun, can we talk?" Izuku looked at Ashido.

"Yeah what's wrong?"

"I was wondering if you could help me train?" Izuku looked at Ashido.

"Yeah sure, just let me change real quick." Izuku appeared in his bedroom changing as fast as he could to get back to Ashido. Appearing back in the class Izuku sees Ashido leaning on the door frame waiting for him, Izuku walks toward her.

"Ok! You ready?" Ashido was practically radiating energy, Izuku nodded and then led Ashido to UA's gym. Ashido walked into the changing room, while Izuku waited he looked around the gym. 'It's smaller than Izumi's but it's still pretty good.' When Ashido walked out Izuku went to her.

"So what do you want to get better at?" Izuku wrapped his hands in tape. 

"I was hoping you'd be able to help me with that." Ashido rubbed the back of her head.

"Okay let's start with basics, come on put them up." Ashido and Izuku got in a fighting stance. "When you're ready." After a sparring match, Izuku sat down grabbing a water bottle. 

"So how'd I do?" Izuku looked at Ashido.

"You know how to throw a punch, but I don't know how you use your quirk. Go to the punching bag and show me how you'd use your quirk." Ashido goes to the punching bag and uses her quirk on it melting some of it. 

"That's all I use it for, well I also use it to move faster but yeah that's it." Izuku thought for a moment before giving up.

"All I can think is just work out." Ashido smiled at him. 

"You calling me fat!?" 

"What? No, you just need some muscle." Izuku lifts his shirt showing his six-pack. 

"I know! I was joking jeez you don't have to strip." Izuku laughed. "Already moving on?" 
'We both know I didn't really like Katsumi, I only wanted her happy before she died.' Izuku looked at his hand he thought he could feel Katsumi holding it.

"Anyways, give me your number I'll message you a meal plan and what you can do to bulk up fast." Izuku hands Ashido his phone. Ashido goes to his contacts and adds her number, she goes to his photo reel trying to mess with him.

"Why don't you have any photos?" 

"New phone, lost all my photos. Wait why are you going through my phone?" Izuku was about to snatch his phone before Ashido wrapped her arm around Izuku taking a picture.

"There, now you have a photo." Izuku looked at Ashido smiling.

"Now while this has been fun I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait! Can we go somewhere to eat?" Izuku shrugged.

"Why not?" Ashido jumped with glee."You're paying though." She stopped jumping.

"I guess that's fair." 

They arrive at a restaurant.

Izuku held the door for Ashido...

This is it... My last chapter ever. I decided to upload the draft I had for all my stories so you could guess how it would go! Who knows maybe I'll come back probably not but... ya know?

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