Chapter Six

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"Kid please don't go into this battle believing you can win, you can't."

Running at the herds of villains Izuku charges up a Chidori.

"Kid! COME BACK NOW WE DON'T KNOW HOW STRONG THE VILLAINS ARE!" Piercing a villain with his Chidori Izuku does a few hand signs.

"Destiny Jutsu!" Thin strings of chakra connect to all of the thugs, the Chidoris lightning following the chakra. "Chidori Current." The muscles of all the thugs contract and soon their feeling of touch vanishes before they lose consciousness.

The purple mist villain vanishes looking back Izuku sees it teleport Katsumi. 'The sages didn't show me that!?' Looking around the USJ Izuku sees her by a villain with hands covering his body.

"Don't touch h-her." Izuku tried to sound stern and threatening but his voice came out shaky and scared.

"Oh, and if I don't listen what will little Yagi do?" Izuku clenched his fist he used way too much chakra on his first attack, he didn't think there was going to be so many villains.

"Hey guys, think for a second if you want her to be a hostage then you're picking the wrong student I'm the son of two pro heroes!" Izuku tried to negotiate out of this situation.

"Your right we'll take you as our hostage, beforehand." Shigaraki squeezed Katsumi's throat, her head tumbles off her shoulders.

Izuku fell to his knees. "Y-You bastard I'm." Izuku looked at Shigaraki. "I'm going to tear you apart." Izukus skin turns blue before he grows four tails.

(Imagine four tails Naruto but blue!)

"What the hell?" Aizawa looked at the scene puzzled.

Izuku runs at Shigaraki. "Nomu deal with him, but don't kill him." The Nomu runs at Izuku, and Izuku charges up a tailed beast bomb.

"W-What is Yagi doing?" As Mina asks this question Izuku fires the tailed beast bomb.

? Hours Later

Izuku wakes up in the school infirmary. "What the hell happened?" Izuku looks around and sees Katsuki, it was obvious he's been crying.

"Izuku." Izuku looks to his left seeing the blonde sage. "At the USJ you unlocked the Mangekyou Sharingan, normally this would be a problem but luckily Sasuke was able to upgrade it to an Eternal Mangekyou."

Izuku sighed. "This was your plan wasn't it?" Naruto's silence told Izuku everything. "You gave me h-hope and now she-" Izuku couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry we had to lie to you."

"Sorry won't bring her back." Izuku stood up from the infirmary bed. "What time is it?"

"About four in the morning." Izuku grabbed Katsuki and teleported to the Bakugou residence. Setting Katsuki in his bed Izuku prepared for the morning.

6:00 am

Izuku sat in his apartment thinking of Katsumi. Grabbing his UA outfit Izuku got ready, walking in his hallway attaching the den to his room he saw a picture of him and Katsumi.

"Why... Could I have been faster maybe smarter?" Izuku goes through every second of the Usj attack.

"This is awesome! You guys even got fake villains!" Izuku chuckled. 'Fake villains? I wish, but they were real.'

"Are they the villains you saw?" Izuku nodded at Aizawa. Izuku walked 7 meters forward, the exact range to be out of the teleport zone.

"Flying solo now." Kurogiri teleporting everyone is the furthest Izuku has seen, well other than Katsumi's death. Going through everything that happened Izuku slowly falls deeper and deeper into his madness.

"I'm sure if I tried harder I could've saved her." Izuku turns on the news.

"And here is the crater that used to be the Usj, the villains that attacked did this. The person who made this crater is a threat and I suggest everyone be careful when going out alone." Cutting back to the analyst you could see the fear in his eyes.

"Now I think I'm reading this wrong but the crater is 92 meters?! (A football field)

"I did that? I see why they think a villain did it." Izuku looked at the crater caused by him when he raged out. Izuku pulled out his phone and looked at Twitter.

"Dumb, stupid, nose exhale." Izuku stops seeing a memorial of Katsumi posted by Mina, he goes into the replies.

That dumb kid thinking she could be a hero!

Should've stayed in the kitchen lol.

Oh poor thing...

Man, this happened at UA? I thought they made the best heroes! This NEVER would've happened in MURICA 🇺🇸


What the hell is wrong with you guys?

Izuku liked the tweet before putting down his phone. "Wait did that say 56 thousand likes?" Izuku looks again and it had 56 thousand likes.

Izuku clicks onto Mina's account to see a post of her wearing a bikini and her having 100,000 followers, as he scrolls down he sees why she has 100,000 'fans'.

"That's a lot of bikini pics. Anyways I should start going to class." Izuku made sure to close Twitter.

As Izuku leaves his apartment he runs into a familiar face.

"Yagi, it's good to see you." Izuku looked at a student from his middle school.

"Ryu nice to see you as well, how are you doing?"

"Oh you know getting through high school and wanting to stab my classmates." Izuku laughs. "Anyways I heard you and the Bakatwins got into UA, that's awesome man!"

"I guess you didn't hear?" Ryu looks at Izuku with a puzzled look. "We got attacked by villains and Katsumi didn't..." Ryu looked shocked.

"Izuku I know you two had a thing. Do you want someone to talk to?" Izuku gave a sad smile to Ryu.

"No, I'm fine. Okay I'm not fine but I'll get through it if I'm honest I'm worried about Katsuki." Ryu stared at Izuku before sighing.

"Okay, but you know where I live so if you wish to talk I'm here for you."

"Thank you." Izuku fist bumps Ryu before walking to the train station.

Hello! Updated again this is not going to be consistent I have writer's block and school, but I did just make a new story named Izuku's Bizarre Adventure! It's mha+jojos Its interesting it'll get updated a bit more often as I know how I want to write it, with this I'm kinda lost but this won't be like my Collesium hero where I completely stop updating it, I will update this but just less often and shorter chapters.

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